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Author Topic: [ANN] [BCRM] Bitcoin RM: Un nou Bitcoin Fork este acum LIVE  (Read 324 times)
scorilo (OP)
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September 13, 2018, 11:48:10 PM
Last edit: September 14, 2018, 12:47:20 AM by scorilo

Bitcoin RM (BCRM)Este primul Bitcoin Fork inteligent, pentru a împuternici comercianții cu amănuntul. Este crypto valută pentru toată lumea!

Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE
Puteți descărca portofelul și / sau mina cu GPU-ul dvs. Nvidia chiar acum. Consultați site-ul nostru

    • Snapshot-ul Bitcoin UTXOs a fost luat pe 20 august 2018
    • Toți proprietarii de Bitcoin eligibili non-SUA, cu cel puțin 0,001 BTC în portofelul personal, pot depune o cerere pentru monedele BCRM pe site-ul nostru (utilizatorii aflați sub jurisdicția Statelor Unite ale Americii nu sunt eligibili)
    • Este necesară o adresă de e-mail valabilă pentru a examina fiecare cerere de revendicare. Portofelul utilizatorului trebuie să accepte semnarea mesajului. Utilizatorii cu adrese Bitcoin care încep cu 3 sau bc nu pot semna mesaje și, prin urmare, nu pot revendica

Bitcoin RM is a 100% PoW caracterizarea monedei:

    • Adrese unice, nume de fișiere portofel și numere de porturi
    • Nou algoritm de mining Equihash 144/5 cu șir personalizat la comanda
    • Dificultatea recalculată după fiecare bloc utilizând algoritmul de ajustare a dificultăților LWMA2
    • interval intre blocuri de 60 de secunde; Dimensiunea maximă a blocului 20MB; Ofertă maximă 1 miliarde de monede
    • Recompense din blocul dinamic cu media ponderată de 400 de monede pe bloc

Bitcoin RM monede care vor merge echipei:

    • 1 milion de monede preminate (0.1% din Max supply)
    • 5% din recompensa blocului minier ori de câte ori recompensa este de cel puțin 100 de monede (taxa fondatorului)
    • Monedele nerevendicate/ in exces  (ex. Câțiva utilizatori locuiesc în SUA sau dețin mai puțin de 0,001 BTC, aceștia nu sunt eligibili să primească monede BCRM)

Bitcoin RM intenționează să împuternicească comercianții și utilizatorii care sprijină întreprinderile mici:

    • Căutarea parteneriatelor cu cripto-bursele adecvate pentru a facilita creditarea directă a vânzărilor criptografice
    • Software de comerciant (transferator de cont, alocator etc.)
    • Sistem de afiliere și de sprijinire a utilizatorilor care doresc să lanseze propriile afaceri de pornire (startups)
    • Un avocat dedicat comerciantului în echipă

Lucruri importante:

    • Nu colectăm fonduri prin intermediul ICO sau al unei alte campanii similare. Ai grija de escroci.
    • Lucrăm în mod activ pe site, descărcări de portofel, github etc. Vă rugăm să aveți răbdare.
    • Va rugam sa ne cititi White Paperul cu atentie.Toată lumea care vrea să ne sprijine TREBUIE să o citească
    • Acesta este un proiect extrem de speculativ și experimental. [font = Verdana] Nu exista nici o garantie [/ b] [/ font] ca veti avea vreodată vreun profit sau pierdere prin revendicarea, cumpărarea sau vânzarea de monede Bitcoin RM.

Cerinte pentru parteneriat:

    •Dacă sunteți un Exchange cripto care operează legal, permite conversia de la / către o monedă fiat și oferă un API, vrem să colaborăm cu dvs. fie pentru o relație de afiliat fie pentru una white label. Cu această relație, veți servi viitori comercianți cu amănuntul și veti păstra 100% din comisioanele de tranzacționare.

(Dacă doriți să traduceți White Paperul nostru, să oferiți detalii despre clienți potențiali sau orice alt ajutor în schimbul unei compensații, vă rugăm să primiți mai întâi aprobarea noastră. În caz contrar, ajutorul dvs. ar fi considerat contribuție voluntară)

Link pentru postarea originala:
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Activity: 602
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September 14, 2018, 12:39:33 AM
Last edit: January 03, 2019, 03:11:36 AM by JWKY

Bitcoin RM (BCRM) is the first Bitcoin smart fork to empower Retail Merchants. It is crypto currency for everyone!

Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE
You can download wallet and/or mine it with your Nvidia or AMD GPU right now. Please see our website

Help us get listed on bigger Exchanges. Please donate today.
Click Here for Details

Some eligible Bitcoin holders filed a claim and received Bitcoin RM coins Cool
Click Here for Details

Please upgrade your Bitcoin RM software to latest version right away
Click Here for Details

    • Snapshot of Bitcoin UTXOs was taken on August 20, 2018
    • Some eligible non-USA Bitcoin owners with at least 0.001 BTC in his/her personal wallets filed a claim here and received BCRM coins. (Users under the jurisdiction of United States of America are not eligible). Claims process ended on December 31, 2018
    • A valid email address was required to consider each claim application. User's wallet must support message signing. Users with Bitcoin addresses starting with 3 or bc cannot sign messages and therefore cannot claim
    • We are no longer accepting any claims. The claims deadline was December 31, 2018

Bitcoin RM is a 100% PoW coin featuring:

    • Unique addresses, wallet file names and port numbers
    • New Equihash 144/5 mining algorithm with custom personalization string
    • Difficulty retarget each block using LWMA2 difficulty adjustment algorithm
    • 60s block interval; Max block size 20MB; Max supply 1 Billion coins
    • Dynamic block rewards with weighted average of 400 coins per block

Bitcoin RM coins that will go to the team:

    • 1 million coins of premine (0.1% of Max supply)
    • 5% of mining block reward whenever the reward is at least 100 coins (founders' fee)
    • Unclaimed / Excess coins (e.g. Some Bitcoin holders never claim. Some users live in USA or own less than 0.001 BTC. These users are not eligible to receive BCRM coins after the fork)

Bitcoin RM plans to empower merchants and users that support small businesses:

    • Seeking partnerships with suitable crypto Exchanges to facilitate direct credit of crypto sales
    • Merchant Software (Payment Forwarder, Allocator etc.)
    • Affiliate system and supporting users who want to launch their own startup businesses
    • A dedicated Merchant Advocate on the team

Important things to note:

    • We are not raising funds through ICO or any similar campaign. Watch out for scammers.
    • We are actively working on website, wallet downloads, github etc. Please be patient.
    • Please read our White Paper carefully. Everyone who wants to support us MUST read it
    • This is a highly speculative and experimental project. No guarantee that you will ever make any profit or loss by claiming, buying or selling Bitcoin RM coins.

Partnership Request:

    • If you are a crypto Exchange that operates legally, allows conversion from/to a fiat currency and offers an API, we want to partner with you either for an affiliate or white label relationship. With this relationship, you will serve our future Retail Merchants and keep 100% of trading commissions.

(If you want to translate our white paper, offer leads or any other help in exchange for compensation, please get our approval first. Otherwise, your help would be considered volunteer contribution)

Windows 32-bit:
Windows 64-bit:
User guide:
Facebook page:

Bitcoin RM (BCRM) --- 【Bounty 1】
【Bounty 1】Spreadsheet
Bitcoin RM (BCRM) --- 【Bounty 2】
【Bounty 2】Spreadsheet
Bitcoin RM --- 【Bounty 3】
【Bounty 3】Spreadsheet
Bitcoin RM --- 【Bounty 4】
【Bounty 4】Spreadsheet

Mining guide:
Official pool:



●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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September 15, 2018, 04:15:38 AM

We are now listed on Altilly a small but rapidly growing Exchange! When you open account, please don't forget to refer your friends and family and collect 15% Referral Bonus Cool

●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
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September 18, 2018, 05:42:54 AM

You can now mine Bitcoin RM using your AMD GPU  Grin Download LolMiner client.

You can now also use Funakoshi miner to mine using your Nvidia GPU.

In summary, you can mine if you have AMD or Nvidia GPU on a computer running Windows 64-bit or Linux 64-bit operating system using these commercial miners:

GPU miner(s)
Nvidia EWBF, Bminer, miniZ, Funakoshi
AMD LolMiner

For detailed information, please see Mining Guide

●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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September 21, 2018, 12:34:47 AM

Please upgrade your Bitcoin RM software to latest version right away

A security bug was discovered in Bitcoin core. This vulnerability will allow malicious hackers to launch Denial of Service attack, take down nodes and destabilize bitcoin and any other coin that uses bitcoin code. Link to vulnerability is here: CVE-2018-17144

Therefore, all users (including miners, pool operators and Exchanges that list Bitcoin RM) must update software to latest version Please click here for instructions. This is a serious bug in Bitcoin discovered in more than a year and it effects our coin as well as all other coins that use bitcoin code. This is why it is important for all users to update their Bitcoin RM software right away

●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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September 25, 2018, 12:30:14 AM

Claims page is now online and we are accepting claims from eligible Bitcoin holders.

If you meet all of the following conditions, then you are eligible file a claim for Bitcoin RM coins:

  • You are not subject to the jurisdiction of United States of America
  • On Snapshot Date (August 20, 2018), you had a balance of at least 0.001 BTC in your Bitcoin Wallet
  • This Bitcoin Wallet is in your possession and not at a third party, such as an Exchange
  • Your Bitcoin Wallet supports message signing
  • Your Bitcoin address begins with 1 (number one)
  • You have a valid email address
  • You have Bitcoin RM wallet installed on your computer

If you are eligible, you can file a claim for Bitcoin RM coins. Once your claim is received, please allow about 2 weeks for processing. If your claim is approved, you will receive Bitcoin RM coins, the same number of coins as your BTC balance as of Snapshot Date.

●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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September 27, 2018, 01:56:46 AM

Bitcoin RM --- 【Bounty 3】
12:00AM 26th September 2018 — 11:59PM 31st October 2018 (UTC)

●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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October 07, 2018, 01:52:04 AM

We have partnered with Winspiral (a third party website). Winspiral is giving away BCRM coins as a reward for using their service to members. It offers various services such as Faucet, XMR and U2 systems to its members. Any Bitcoin RM interested in these services should click on the link and sign up for free membership. This is a limited time offer and subject to availability of BCRM coins in Winspiral fund. So, interested parties should hurry up :smiley: Winspiral is a third party affiliate, not related to The Bitcoin RM Team. Signing up at Winspiral website is optional and not required to participate in Bitcoin RM project.

●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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October 08, 2018, 03:32:37 AM

So far, we have paid a total of 3389.36524987 BCRM coins to Bitcoin holders who filed claims on our website.

If you are eligible, please file a claim online here

●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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October 09, 2018, 03:56:19 AM

Bitcoin RM is a fork of Bitcoin. Eligible Bitcoin holders as of snapshot date file a claim on our Claims page to collect forked coins (BCRM coins).

Our Claims page attracts a lot of High Net Worth Bitcoin holders. Some of these users hold as high as 900 BTC in their wallets  Grin Because we do not require private keys and users do not need to import their private keys into any wallet, these High Net Worth individuals feel safe and therefore visit our Claims page to collect forked coins.

If you ever want to advertise to High Net Worth individuals, you can place a bid now to display your banner till December 31, 2018. There is no other website that attracts High Net Worth individuals like ours  Grin

You are bidding on banner space to display on our Claims Page until December 31, 2018.

Starting Bid: 0.5 BTC
Buy Price: 2 BTC

●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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October 11, 2018, 01:21:05 AM

Help Us Get Listed on Bigger Exchanges

Bitcoin RM (BCRM) is currently listed on Latinex and Altilly, both very small Exchanges. We want to get listed on bigger Exchanges but these bigger Exchanges demand a listing fee: anywhere from 0.1 BTC to 10 BTC

Please donate BTC to any of our Bitcoin Addresses shown below to help us pay listing fee and get listed on bigger Exchanges. You can remain anoymous if you wish. With no ICO, no crowd funding and no external investors, we rely on your support exclusively. If you have any questions, please chat with us on Discord.

To donate, please visit our Donation Page or simply donate bitcoin to any of the following Bitcoin addresses:





●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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October 14, 2018, 01:11:40 AM

Don't forget to vote for BCRM on exchange and get bounty when you post proof in our DISCORD channel:
Below were some of voting for BCRM:-

Feel free to leave a good comment there.
Thank you.

●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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October 15, 2018, 02:28:42 AM

Bitcoin RM is now listed on ProBitEx

  • For added security, Probitex Exchange uses a second password called Pay Password.
  • Each user has an Asset Account and a Trading Account.
  • When you deposit coins, they will go into user's Asset Account
  • Before placing a trade, the user must transfer some coins from Asset Account to Trading Account. (User must enter Pay Password for all transfers)
  • It is very important to keep both passwords (Login Password and Pay Password) very safe

[🌞BitCoin RM] [BCRM] added in Crypto exchanger with BTC Pair with low fees 0.15%

BCRM Deposit/Withdrawal: Automatic. Required min 3-5 network confirmation

Trade Guide: Steps of Trade:
1. Make deposit of cryptocurrency from Finance menu
2. Transfer balance from Wallet Balance to Trade Balance from Finance menu

3. On market pair trade page, you can do trade now. For standard security, you need to enter PayPassword for trade.

For any Support:

Withdrawal Wallet address adding:

Get 20 Probit[PBT] signup bonus(Only KYC verified user will get)
Video Guide:

●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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Activity: 602
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October 20, 2018, 12:45:12 AM
Last edit: October 20, 2018, 06:37:37 AM by JWKY

Interested in making a one time large purchase of Bitcoin RM ?

Individuals interested in buying BCRM coins in large quantities can negotiate a special price directly with the team and also avoid paying any commissions. Please contact us directly if you are planning to buy a large quantity of Bitcoin RM coins.This is for one time purchase of BCRM coins in large quantities only. Minimum purchase amount is 0.1 BTC.

If you are planning to buy BCRM in small / medium quantities OR plan to buy multiple times, please purchase through our Exchanges  Grin

●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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Activity: 602
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October 22, 2018, 12:41:38 AM
Last edit: October 26, 2018, 01:22:56 AM by JWKY

Bitcoin RM is now available on BlockFolio, the most popular portfolio management app for crypto  Cool

Blockfolio is the #1 Free Crypto Portfolio Management app with support for 3000+ cryptocurrencies. Track your favorite coins, including Bitcoin, Bitcoin RM and more!

Start using Blockfolio on your iPhone or Android device in 5 simple steps:

1. Install Blockfolio App on your iPhone or Android device.

2. Touch "Add Coin" on main screen

3. In Search Box, enter BCRM

4. Touch Bitcoin RM: BCRM in the search results list

5. Touch Save

Learn more about Blockfolio App
Bitcoin RM is now listed on Micromm Exchange.

Micromm is a brand new Exchange (3 days old). Therefore, please exercise caution and do not risk more than 1 BCRM. We strongly advise you to trade small amounts such as 0.1 BCRM on Micromm

Please note that deposits take 16 confirmations (instead of usual 6 confirmations) to show up in your wallet.
Bitcoin RM is now available on Delta, a well known portfolio management app for crypto  Cool

Delta is a well known Free Crypto Portfolio Management app for your computer, tablet or smart phone! Track your favorite coins, including Bitcoin, Bitcoin RM and more!

Start using Delta on your Windows / Linux / Mac OS computer or iPhone / Android device in these simple steps:

1. Install Delta App on your iPhone or Android device. To install on your computer, go here

2. Touch/Click "Eye Icon" at the bottom of main screen

3. Touch/Click "Watchlist" tab at the top

4. Touch/Click "+" sign at the bottom

5. In Search box, enter "BCRM"

6. Then choose "Bitcoin RM." You can change trading pair from the top Menu

7. Click back button to go back to main screen

Learn more about Delta App
Bitcoin RM is now listed on TRADE KAINOS Exchange  Cool

TRADE KAINOS is a new upcoming Exchange from UK. They do not accept account applications from residents of USA. Links to our coin are as follows:


Bitcoin RM is now listed on RAISEX, one of the most popular Decentralized Exchange  Cool

We are proud to announce that RAISEX selected our coin to trade on their Exchange Platform. As most of you know, Raisex is a popular DEX (Decentralized Exchange) tracked by CoinGecko

Start trading BCRM on Raisex in these easy steps:

1. Create an account at

2. You will receive an email asking to verify email. Click link in that email to verify your email address

3. Login to your Raisex account

4. Enable 2FA (2 Factor Authentication)

5. To view wallet: My Account → Wallet

6. To trade BCRM, here is the direct link:

No KYC required for crypto-to-crypto trading

After making a deposit, you will receive an email confirming your deposit. Once you receive that email, your deposit is available for trading!

●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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Activity: 602
Merit: 13

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December 06, 2018, 12:30:35 AM

●⚫ ▬▬▬▬▬ Bitcoin RM(First smart fork of Bitcoin,100% Proof-of-Work) ▬▬▬▬▬ ⚫●
▬ ● ▬   Bitcoin RM is NOW LIVE, Pool mining, ECI apply now HERE   ▬ ● ▬
●⚫ ▬▬▬ Website | ANN | Discord | GitHub | Reddit | Youtube | Medium | Facebook | Twitter | Pool ▬▬▬ ⚫●
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