Taxes. Do you realize the central bank prints our money out of thin air? This money is backed by nothing. It can be and is printed a will! They then tax you, taking half your income. The theft of your income (tax) should not be necessary if the money can simply be printed. Further since they are printing all this extra money the half you get to keep inflates away. Did you sign up to pay for this tax or were you forced into it? This tax along with our consumerism addiction is what keeps us locked down as slaves. Bitcoin is introduced to us that gives us a means to stay private and most of the forum members here are lining up to pay taxes and fill out KYC forms for airdrops. WTF.
We are paying for and allowing our own slavery.
You may or may not agree with the concept of taxation, but Bitcoin was not invented as a means of avoiding taxes. There are consequences of evading taxes, whether you earn in fiat or crypto. You have to be prepared to face the consequences. The question is whether you are ready to take the risk of doing some jail time, just to avoid paying a little bit extra in taxes.