Loan Amount: 0.0015BTC
Loan Purpose: Personal
Loan Repay Amount: 0.0018BTC
Loan Repay Date: 48h max
Type of Collateral: None
Escrow profile Link: Can found.
Bitcoin Address: 3GmZmYbZKLJ8TyR5mvFEUXwxvbffb1BEpD
Why would you reject - it is with escrow. @DadyD I think you weren't clear enough: would you give 0.0018 BTC into escrow?
Can you please explain what is escrow and why escrow stands for? The borrower will take 0.0015
BTC loans so, why the borrower will give 0.0018
BTC into escrow? That is enough clear that the borrower's repayment amount is "0.0018
BTC" and Type of Collateral is "None".
Why is it any of your concern?
I think s/he is using a bot (not sure) or just reading few words and replying to increase his/her post count. @marcotheminer correct me please if I am wrong.