Teacher Coin takes advantage of the digital and verifiable nature of the Blockchain to solve the complications and barriers of entry to the retirement market. We also provide a platform for trading Resources and Worldwide Money Transfers. Teacher Coin is a Crypto Currency specifically made to support the needs of Teachers Globally.
Official Bounty Announcement of Teacher Coin
Allotment: 1 000 000 TCH (which equates to 100 ETH)
Duration: 6 weeks
Facebook Campaign: 30%
Twitter Campaign 30%
Youtube Campaign: 12%
Translation Campaign: 8%
Telegram Campaign: 10%
Reserve: 10%
General Rules:
1. All participants must join our
Telegram Group and
Telegram Channel2. You cannot leave any social media channel until the campaign has ended.
3. Multi account/farming accounts are not allowed.
4. You can join as many campaigns as you want.
5. Spam attempts and scam artists are not allowed.
6. Stakes will be given after the campaign has ended.
7. Payment will be given within 2 months after the campaign has ended.
8. You must give a weekly report at the end of each calendar week.
9. Edited reports will not be accepted.
10. We have the right to change the campaign rules any time, and we have the right to reject applications without notice.
All participants must give proof of authentication.Facebook Campaign: 30%
1. All participants must join our
Telegram Group and
Telegram Channel2. All participants must ‘Like’ our
Facebook Page3. Participants cannot leave our Facebook page until the campaign has ended.
4. Participants cannot delete any post until the campaign has ended.
5. You have to ‘Share’ 5 posts from our Facebook page each week.
6. If there are less than 5 posts, you have to create the rest of the posts to fulfill the 5 ‘Share’ weekly requirement.
7. You must have at least 200 Facebook friends.
8. You will receive 10 stakes per week. If you have more than 1000 Facebook friends, you will get 15 stakes per week.
9. To join, complete this form
Joining Form10. Check your details on the participation form
All participants must give proof of authentication.Twitter Campaign: 30%
1. All participants must join our
Telegram Group and
Telegram Channel2. All participants must follow our
Twitter Profile3. Participants cannot leave our Twitter profile until the campaign has ended.
4. Participants cannot delete any post until the campaign has ended.
5. You have to ‘Retweet’ 5 posts from our Twitter profile each week.
6. If there are less than 5 ‘Tweets’, you have to create rest of the Tweets to fulfill the 5 ‘Retweet’ weekly requirement.
7. You must have at least 200 Twitter followers.
8. You will receive 10 stakes per week. If you have more than 1000 followers, you will get 15 stakes per week.
9. To join, complete this form
Joining Form10. Check your details on the participation form
All participants must give proof of authentication.Youtube Campaign: 12%
1. All participants must join our
Telegram Group and
Telegram Channel2. We will accept 24 videos. Tokens will be calculated according to 24 participants.
3. One participant can create a maximum of 5 videos.
4. Participants cannot delete any post until the campaign has ended.
5. Videos should be no less than 2 minutes long.
6. To join, complete this form
Joining Form7. Check your details on the participation form
All participants must give proof of authentication.Translation Campaign: 8%
1. All participants must join our
Telegram Group and
Telegram Channel2. Use of software is not allowed
3. Participants must complete the translation within 1 week after assignment.
4. The same participants should translate our ANN thread, whitepaper, and moderate the translated ANN thread.
5. All approved translations will receive the same reward.
6. To join, complete this form
Joining Form7. Check your details on the participation form
Here8. 11.
All participants must give proof of authentication.Telegram Campaign: 10%
1. All participants must join our
Telegram Group and
Telegram Channel2. Spam is not allowed.
3. By joining, you will receive 5 stakes.
4. By taking part in discussions, participants will receive 4 stakes per week.
5. You cannot leave the Telegram group or channel until the campaign has ended.
6. To join, complete this form
Joining Form7. Check your details on the participation form
All participants must give proof of authentication.