I've seen/done more of these polls over time, and usually the correct answer is indeed around the 25% range. I wanted to make it a bit more interesting, that's why I didn't make the ranges the same size; the high percentage is obviously much higher.
I find it funny there's always people choosing 100%. It's not like everyone is going to do that…
V cvpxrq 100% onfrq ba na nffhzcgvba gung V nz engvbany naq rirelbar ryfr vf engvbany. Gurersber, fvapr jr ner nyy engvbany, jr jbhyq boivbhfyl nyy cvpx 100%.
Gur bcgvzny fgengrtl vs rirelbar ryfr orunirq veerthyneyl jbhyq or gur enatr vapyhqvat 16.67%. Gur ernfba sbe guvf vf gung V pna nffhzr V nz vafvtavsvpnag.
Gur bayl jnl gb fhpprrq ng guvf vf gb cvpx bhg gur pbeerpg engvb bs engvbany crbcyr gb veerthyne crbcyr. Vs unys gur crbcyr jrer engvbany, naq unys jrer veerthyne, bar pbhyq znxr n puneg nf sbyybjf:
Nalguvat <50%: Ab, orpnhfr gur engvbany crbcyr jvyy nyy pubbfr gur fnzr nafjre.
51-99%: 8.3% (veerthyne) + 50% (engvbany) = 58.3%, va gur enatr.
100%: Ab, orpnhfr gur veerthyne crbcyr jvyy abg ibgr sbe guvf.
Guvf cbyy unf fb sne erirnyrq 10.3% bs crbcyr cvpx 0-1%. Guvf bcgvba qbrf abg znxr frafr rira vs rirelbar jrer veerthyne, naq znxrf yvggyr frafr vs rirelbar jrer engvbany. Gurfr 10.3% pna or nffhzrq gb or veerthyne, cynpvat n zvavzhz ba gur ahzore bs veerthynef ng 62%.
Xabjvat bayl n znkvzhz bs 38% bs crbcyr pna or engvbany, V oryvrir gung gur zbfg bcgvzvfgvp bcgvba cbffvoyr vf 36-50%. Gur zbfg crffvzvfgvp bcgvba jbhyq or 2-20%.
(notice: the previous response is not written in German. It is rotated 13 letters of the alphabet to spoiler the discussion.)
Is there an APP for this? For a second, I thought I was reading a new Wordpress theme.
BTW, I voted 0-1% believing it was a trick poll and most would have chosen that option as well. To date, that would make me a ten percenter. Not bad for my first self-referential poll.