I recommend that you take it one step further and setup both bitcoin and lightning.
Start by running on the test net so you can play around with sending and receiving with no risk at all.
Here is a nice project in nodejs, it shows how to use all bitcoin and lightning commands via API calls and displaying the result in a nice interactive dashboard:
https://github.com/altangent/lnd-explorerHere is an example of how it looks like:
https://demo1.lndexplorer.com/Why would he make it more difficult than needed? He clearly states that he's new to bitcoin. I'm not entirely sure if diving into LN is something you'd want to do when you barely understand Bitcoin Core yet. Especially with the amount of bugs/development that is going on around LN.
The problem with running bitcoin core (and lightning especially) on your desktop is that it's not online 24/7 and have a bunch of other stuff running at the same time.
A raspberry pi? Do people still use these?
Also, he wants to use his node to get "balances/transfer (I presume his own) funds". There really wouldn't be any reason to run a node specifically for that purpose 24/7.
There is also a security issue, better to have a securely setup Linux box dedicated for only bitcoin.
What exactly are you referring to? What exploit?