(somewhat related)
5) Lenders should designate the value of a bitcointalk account as 0 for collateral purposes. I don't know how many times I need to repeat this.
There is only one difference between a zero-collateral loan and a bitcointalk-collateral loan. That being, in the case of a default, the account has no chance of being used by the scammer again.
Given this, why do people ignorantly associate value with an account? Don't use metrics that benefit scammers. If you weren't going to give them the loan without the account, then don't give them the loan with the account.
I read a thread about a loan made by actmyname and I realize that it might seems that its a no collateral loan, but its not.
Well, it is. Though you're right about the reputation part (virtue > value), I believe there has been a case of a trusted user exit-scamming via loan defaulting in the past.
Just follow the principle of risk aversion. Determine if it's enough of a risk to send BTC for the stated return, while considering factors like time (if btc price is relevant) and reputation. It won't be precise but one should always be smart when it comes to money.