I've got evidence drinking milk gave me allergies. Maby of the world's chemists and doctors disagree with many of the dairy industry whores.
The milk you are talking about is probably mass-produced, pasturized, full of chemicals and hormones, like rBGH/BHG, puss/blood from utter infections caused by innoculations of those chemicals and hormones, and antibiotics from corrective measures taken against said infections, unless you are specifically talking about whole, natural, raw milk.
This is about whole, natural, raw milk.
Some scientists, usually of the high profile variety that takes money from those with an agenda, will do/say what someone pays them to do/say, or whatever gives them attention. All you have to do is look at past controversies like depletion of the Ozone layer hoax, probably before you were born so you may not remember it, man-made global warming hoax, aliens/ufos, the roots of the enviromental movement, and now the big one is wildlife, nature and biodiversity coming out of the globalist agenda.
From birth we are meant to drink mothers milk, admittedly not milk form cows, however milk does contain needed nutrients. We have choices in what we eat and drink to get those nutrients. Some prefer milk, raw milk untainted by multi-national franken-food producers/scientists like Cargil, Monstanto, or Archer-Daniels Midland.
I dont really like milk, except for chocolate milk once in a while.