FuryCoinDev (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
January 19, 2019, 11:34:38 PM |
I'm sorry, it might be me, but what exactly makes your algorithm "superfast"?
The algorithm has 1/4 of the iterations of regular Cryptonight and 1/2 of the iterations of Cryptonight Lite. It still has the 2MB scratchpad which makes it more suited for video cards or higher end processors. The less iterations make it so your card/cpu can do more hashes/s. You can find this information in the hashing code of the coin or by looking at an open source miner like xmr stak. Cryptonight - 0x80000 iterations = 524288 iterations. Cryptonight Lite - 0x40000 iteratoins = 262144 iterations. Cryptonight Superfast - 0x20000 iteartions = 131072 iterations.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
January 23, 2019, 01:49:22 PM |
when exchange?
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
January 26, 2019, 01:12:30 PM |
Paper wallet? 
FuryCoinDev (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
January 27, 2019, 01:51:38 AM |
Paper wallet?  https://github.com/FuryCoin/fury-wallet-generatorYou can download the HTML file and generate an offline wallet that way. If a nice paper wallet is something people are interested in I can take the time to get one up on our website.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
January 28, 2019, 05:20:07 PM |
Thank you.
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
February 01, 2019, 04:19:37 AM |
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
February 01, 2019, 11:06:20 PM |
FuryCoin has been listed on Graviex!!! "FuryCoinDevToday at 9:13 PM @everyone The listing is official and live. We are now listed on Graviex. https://graviex.net/markets/furybtcGRAVIEX - GRAVIO Ecosystem Exchange They are using integrated addresses so don't be surprised when you see your deposit address show as iFury as that is what the coins integrated addresses start with."
FuryCoinDev (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
February 02, 2019, 01:14:51 AM |
Activity: 103
Merit: 0
February 24, 2019, 06:54:50 AM |
Need more listing Price below 1 sat Consider fcbaccount.com
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
March 14, 2019, 02:08:49 PM Last edit: March 14, 2019, 03:24:55 PM by Lakici |
Hi, I need help getting coins from mining. If I set regular address from the wallet on the pool, coins aren't arriving after being paid by the pool. Tried two pools, it was the same, wallet is still empty. If I set subaddress or use integrated one from the exchange (not like the rest of coins with payment id, added i at the beginning instead) pools refuse connection because of bad address name.
How are you guys mining this and where do you receive payouts?
edited: I have found the help page where it's described how to fix the wallet, everything is ok now.
April 28, 2019, 07:58:36 PM |
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1387
Ukrainians will resist
May 02, 2019, 06:40:19 PM Last edit: May 02, 2019, 06:53:10 PM by cryptomaxsun |
Some news from the discord. fee fork is set for block height 164200 which is about 10 hours from now. It will increase fees by 50x. Since we will be forking again in a day or two I will only upload a CLI wallet. https://github.com/FuryCoin/Fury/releases/tag/1.2.1. fork is done. This fork just changed the fee to stop the transaction spammer. The fork with service nodes is delayed a few days. We will be updating to the latest monero codebase as well to include updated bulletproofs and blockchain pruning. These features need some more testing and a little bit of troubleshooting before I release the fork. It should only be an extra couple days while I work out the kinks. remote node: port 19091 18081
❘|❘ Cлaвa Укpaинe! ❘|❘ Glory to Ukraine! ❘|❘ ❘|❘ КaPФaгeн дoлжeн быть paзpyшeн ❘|❘
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1387
Ukrainians will resist
May 04, 2019, 03:19:58 PM |
News from discord. service nodes guide for windows is up https://github.com/FuryCoin/Service-Nodes I will update it for linux shortly. pools are having some issues with payments, we will be looking into it later today and should have it fixed within 24 hours. Please be patient as we try and figure out what is causing the payment issues. The SN's are working great and payments via the cli wallets are working fine as well. Quite an interesting and undeservedly deprived of attention project. We follow the development.
❘|❘ Cлaвa Укpaинe! ❘|❘ Glory to Ukraine! ❘|❘ ❘|❘ КaPФaгeн дoлжeн быть paзpyшeн ❘|❘
May 05, 2019, 11:52:07 PM |
I hear you're going to roll back the chain several days? Why? And if true, why have you not made an official announcement via your social medias?
You are going to destroy this coin if you do so. What exchange would touch it after that?
It might be time to just start over, especially considering your chain is already horribly bloated due to the spammer.
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1387
Ukrainians will resist
May 08, 2019, 05:18:04 AM |
From discord. We have a new windows GUI wallet. It is based on the RYO electron wallet. It also has service node registration available in it. You still need a daemon to run the service node on but you can use this wallet and a remote node to stake your service node. Just a minor heads up, importing works fine when using the import from old gui but does not work when importing from file. I am still working on that but for those needing new wallets or who were running our old gui it will work for you. For those that want to import from file you can import from seed instead or you can wait for the update to fix import from file. https://github.com/FuryCoin/Fury/releases/download/2.0.0/Fury_Electron_Wallet_Setup_2.0.0_windows.exe
❘|❘ Cлaвa Укpaинe! ❘|❘ Glory to Ukraine! ❘|❘ ❘|❘ КaPФaгeн дoлжeн быть paзpyшeн ❘|❘
FuryCoinDev (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
May 09, 2019, 07:44:46 PM |
Service nodes are now live and working well.
We have also released a new GUI wallet which is super slick, it's been out a couple days and we have received lots of positive feedback on it's functionality.
I apologize for the lack of updates here, the last few weeks have been super busy but I'll be better about checking this thread going forward.
If anybody has any questions let us know!
FuryCoinDev (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
May 09, 2019, 07:50:49 PM Last edit: May 10, 2019, 07:56:13 PM by FuryCoinDev |
I hear you're going to roll back the chain several days? Why? And if true, why have you not made an official announcement via your social medias?
You are going to destroy this coin if you do so. What exchange would touch it after that?
It might be time to just start over, especially considering your chain is already horribly bloated due to the spammer.
I'm not sure where you heard this but we did not have to do a rollback. Everything is running smooth now too. Our chain is a little bloated for sure, but fortunately our latest option added a pruning option to trim it down using the following command. ./fury-blockchain-prune
May 14, 2019, 11:06:43 PM |
I'm really glad you didn't do a rollback.
Between the new wallet and the service node functionality this is quite impressive for a single dev.
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1387
Ukrainians will resist
May 18, 2019, 05:31:31 AM |
News from discord. fury is now live on hotdex!https://wallet.hotdex.eu/market/HOTDEX.FURY_HOTDEX.BTCFor anyone who hasn’t used hotdex, it integrates with bitshares also. This includes the bitshares app or any compatible bitshares platform.
❘|❘ Cлaвa Укpaинe! ❘|❘ Glory to Ukraine! ❘|❘ ❘|❘ КaPФaгeн дoлжeн быть paзpyшeн ❘|❘