So they're thinking of doing themselves out of a decade of tax? Nice for the locals who own it. The others who don't who pay whatever capital gains on their conventional assets might be less impressed. Who knows where it'll be in ten years? Maybe every single Ukrainian will abandon other assets and pile in there.
There were many proposals in the last few years in Ukraine regarding crypto regulations, and even though most of them were relatively friendly (this one is probably the most generous), none of them have managed to get to the phase of voting, they just got stuck. Most of the MP's and their party leaders don't care about cryptocurrencies, or maybe they just like this unregulated status. So, there's no chance that this bill will pass.
In principle, unregulated status is also not bad. Especially if you know that there are some good bills in the legislature. Ukraine will soon have elections: at the end of March next year, presidential, and at the end of October - in the Verkhovna Rada. Before and after elections, deputies usually pass good populist laws. Therefore, it is possible that they will soon be accepted about cryptocurrency.