deisik (OP)
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services
November 05, 2017, 03:34:39 PM Last edit: March 20, 2022, 04:09:21 PM by deisik |
If you need well-researched and unique articles as well as fast and high-quality translations of white papers, thread announcements (including further promotion), sites and web content in general, I can help you with that. I'm a native Russian speaker well versed in areas such as crypto (apparently), finance in general, online gambling (a bit of a gambler myself), and much more beyond that Terms and prices are fully negotiable
Most recent portfolio (apart from minor translations and one-time jobs like WP's, ANN's, and similar stuff):
Over 180 translations for this blog
Cryptowriting services: 1. Cryptocurrency Mining Powered by Alternative Energy Sources2. What Is Bitcoin Cash?3. What Is Bitcoin SV?4. What Is Bankor BNT?5. Blockchain Oracles: In the Belly of the Beast6. Bitcoin’s Mainstream Adoption7. Central Bank Digital Currencies: A Threat or a Blessing?8. How Decentralized Finance Came to Be9. What Is Particl PART?10. Blockchain Oracles: Connecting the Worlds – Part 111. Blockchain Oracles: Connecting the Worlds – Part 212. Non-Fungible Tokens and Their Mission13. How Do Blocks Make Up a Blockchain?14. What Are Blockchain Issues and Limitations?15. DAOs: A Brave New World16. Particl Marketplace: Where Sellers Meet Buyers17. How Can Banks Utilize Blockchain Technology?18. How Can Blockchain Technology Help the Real Estate Market?19. What Is BAND (Band Protocol)20. Cryptocurrency Staking As It Stands Today21. Decentralized Finance Explained – Part 122. Decentralized Finance Explained – Part 223. What Is Uniswap: A Brief Explanation24. Benefits and Advantages of Uniswap25. Can Blockchain Gaming Drive Cryptocurrency Adoption?26. Breaking News: Russia Outlaws Binance27. How Can Blockchain Technology Be Used in Sports?28. Cryptocurrency Adoption: A Breakthrough?29. Disadvantages of Blockchain Tech30. Smart Contracts and Their Mission - Part 131. Smart Contracts and Their Mission - Part 232. How Can Blockchain Improve Healthcare?33. Blockchain and Sport Industry: Are They an Effective Team?34. Zcash: Halving Is Coming35. Ethereum Classic Hardfork: Thanos Upgrade36. Crypto Payment Cards: Where Fiat Meets Crypto37. Bitcoin's Bull Market: A Long Road Ahead38. 99% of Nfts Will Devalue – How to Pick a Good One39. The Number of Crypto Millionaires Is Increasing – How Did They Do It?40. According to Binance – Traders Need to Control Fear and Greed41. Top 5 Low Cap Crypto Gems42. Why Exchanges Want to Keep Your Funds on the Exchange – Liquidity43. September 2021 Cryptocurency Market Report44. ZED RUN: Race Your Way to the Top45. Saber Protocol: The Next Frontier of DeFi46. Yummy Coin: A Charitable Cryptocurrency47. How to Make 20% APR with Anchor48. Faraland, an Upcoming NFT Role-Playing Strategy Game49. On-Chain Data and How It Can Help You50. Fast News Crypto51. Selling Perception: Is It Possible with Crypto?52. How Crypto Can Make Your Life Better53. Major Schemes Used by Fraudsters on P2P Marketplaces54. Crypto Week at a Glance55. Bitcoin's On-Chain Market Cycles56. Has a Promising Future Ahead - Here’s Why57. Will Cryptocurrency Shift the Global Balance of Power?58. Why Does Bitcoin Pump and Alts Dump?59. 5 Industries Already Using Blockchain Technology60. x1000 Coins Are Becoming Rarer to Find – Crypto’s Riskiest and Most Rewarding Investments61. 3 Fake News Crypto Stories - How the Media Lies About Crypto62. 5 Ways the Metaverse Will Change the World63. Dragon Kart - The Blockchain Game ICO that is on Fire!64. NaaS? This NFT platform offers NFT as a subscription service to decorate your living room and office65. Concentrated Liquidity – A New Approach to Liquidity Pooling
If you need to get the job done in the shortest amount of time possible with the highest quality available and impeccable work ethics (I like what I'm doing), you are on the right track and in the right place You always know what you pay for!

Activity: 70
Merit: 10
November 10, 2017, 03:42:10 PM |
If you need fast and high quality translations of white papers, thread announcements, contracts and similar stuff as well as translation of whole sites, I can help you with that. I'm a native Russian speaker, and if you are interested to see my previous works, don't hesitate to PM me directly. If you want to see how good I am at English (and Russian too, for that matter), you can see my post history hereTerms and prices are fully negotiable A week ago I was using his translation skills to translate whitepaper from english to russian. I receive the whole document properly translated after two days, so I didn't have to wait too long. The price was also reasonable according to his experience and proffesionalism. I can truly recommend his services. And If you would ever hesitate, take a look at out Crowdholding whitepaper.
deisik (OP)
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services
November 10, 2017, 03:48:14 PM Last edit: November 10, 2017, 05:01:19 PM by deisik |
A week ago I was using his translation skills to translate whitepaper from english to russian. I receive the whole document properly translated after two days, so I didn't have to wait too long. The price was also reasonable according to his experience and proffesionalism. I can truly recommend his services. And If you would ever hesitate, take a look at out Crowdholding whitepaper.
Thanks for your kind words, it was a pleasure to work with you

Activity: 130
Merit: 10
March 02, 2018, 08:41:46 PM |
Hi, do you do any other languages?
deisik (OP)
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services
March 02, 2018, 09:59:21 PM Last edit: May 21, 2018, 03:02:45 PM by deisik |
Hi, do you do any other languages?
Only Russian and English presently (if you need top-quality translations). But these are likely the best money can buy here
Jr. Member
Activity: 153
Merit: 6
October 14, 2019, 10:15:10 AM |
Hello, we need a Russian translation, please send me a price
[-+-+-+-+-+-+|V|I|P|G|A|M|E|+-+-+-+-+-+-] EOS Blockchain Casino ▬[ Dice ]▬[ Lottery ]▬[Giveaways]▬ (
deisik (OP)
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services
October 14, 2019, 10:20:00 AM |
Hello, we need a Russian translation, please send me a price PM'ed
Jr. Member
Activity: 153
Merit: 6
October 31, 2019, 08:26:04 AM |
Last week we completed the Russian-English translation work that was previously agreed upon. Deisik's offer is very reasonable. He gave the first draft two days after I sent out the task, very quickly. After the page is online, the proofreading is checked one by one, and the corresponding modified documents are given, which pays more patience and time. His work attitude is a very good, very pleasant cooperation process! I hope everyone who has a Russian translation thinks about him.
[-+-+-+-+-+-+|V|I|P|G|A|M|E|+-+-+-+-+-+-] EOS Blockchain Casino ▬[ Dice ]▬[ Lottery ]▬[Giveaways]▬ (
deisik (OP)
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services
November 02, 2019, 01:58:30 PM |
Last week we completed the Russian-English translation work that was previously agreed upon. Deisik's offer is very reasonable. He gave the first draft two days after I sent out the task, very quickly. After the page is online, the proofreading is checked one by one, and the corresponding modified documents are given, which pays more patience and time. His work attitude is a very good, very pleasant cooperation process! I hope everyone who has a Russian translation thinks about him Many thanks for your kind words! I truly appreciate it Feel free to reach out to me if you need any further assistance and help
December 31, 2019, 10:16:22 PM |
Fast response and very kind, thank you!
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 360
Merit: 1
February 15, 2020, 07:11:48 AM |
Hi, we are looking for a professional Russian translator to help translate our official site from English to Russian. Plz have a check on this post for the details.
deisik (OP)
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services
February 15, 2020, 08:15:46 AM Last edit: March 30, 2020, 07:27:22 PM by deisik |
Replied via PM
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
April 22, 2020, 09:38:02 PM |
Please, translate message to English. У мeня ecть идeя, кoтopoй я xoчy пoдeлитьcя c миpoм и нaйти eдинoмышлeнникoв.
Блoкчeйн, в кoтopoм 21 мoнeтa бyдeт pacпpeдeлeнa в пepвoм жe блoкe пo никoмy нeдocтyпным cлyчaйным 2100000000 aдpecaм пo 0.00000001 мoнeтe
Aдpeca для pacпpeдeлeния дoлжны быть cгeнepиpoвaны из xeшa гeнeзиc блoкa. Heт нaгpaды зa блoк и кoмиccий. Moнeты мoжнo дoбыть тoлькo бpyтфopcoм aдpecoв нa кoтopыx oни нaxoдятcя. Пpoeкт – этo coздaниe aктивa для xpaнeния cтoимocти
Я ищy людeй кoтopыe гoтoвы пoддepжaть дaннyю идeю
deisik (OP)
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services
April 22, 2020, 10:13:02 PM Last edit: April 25, 2020, 08:33:53 AM by deisik |
У мeня ecть идeя, кoтopoй я xoчy пoдeлитьcя c миpoм и нaйти eдинoмышлeнникoв.
Блoкчeйн, в кoтopoм 21 мoнeтa бyдeт pacпpeдeлeнa в пepвoм жe блoкe пo никoмy нeдocтyпным cлyчaйным 2100000000 aдpecaм пo 0.00000001 мoнeтe
Aдpeca для pacпpeдeлeния дoлжны быть cгeнepиpoвaны из xeшa гeнeзиc блoкa. Heт нaгpaды зa блoк и кoмиccий. Moнeты мoжнo дoбыть тoлькo бpyтфopcoм aдpecoв нa кoтopыx oни нaxoдятcя. Пpoeкт – этo coздaниe aктивa для xpaнeния cтoимocти
Я ищy людeй кoтopыe гoтoвы пoддepжaть дaннyю идeю Translation: Hi, I've got an idea, and I'd like to share it with the world as well as find like-minded people
It's about a blockchain where the total of 21 coins will be distributed by the very first block among 2100000000 inaccessible and randomly generated addresses, with 0.00000001 of a coin per each address
The addresses for distribution will be generated from the hash of the genesis block. No reward for a block and no transaction fees. The coins can only be received by brute forcing the address which holds them. The goal is to create a store of value asset.
I'm looking for people who are willing to support this idea Whoever it may concern, please note that this topic is not the right place for discussing the subject matter of the translated texts. On the other hand, if you want to discuss the translation itself, you're welcome indeed

Activity: 350
Merit: 13
July 07, 2020, 06:08:58 PM |
Translate to Russian, much appreciated! Withdrawing ERC20 token issue.
I have tried to withdraw EVN several times now, it gets stuck in "In process" then cancelled after a while. I have checked everything, right address, and the wallet is online and up to date. Please advice. Thanks!
deisik (OP)
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services
July 07, 2020, 06:22:05 PM |
Translate to Russian, much appreciated! Withdrawing ERC20 token issue.
I have tried to withdraw EVN several times now, it gets stuck in "In process" then cancelled after a while. I have checked everything, right address, and the wallet is online and up to date. Please advice. Thanks! Translation: Пpoблeмы c вывoдoм ERC20 тoкeнa.
Я нecкoлькo paз пpoбoвaл вывecти EVN, нo вывoд зaвиcaeт c cooбщeниeм "In process", a чepeз кaкoe-тo вpeмя oтмeняeтcя. Я вce пpoвepил, aдpec пpaвильный, кoшeлeк oнлaйн и oбнoвлeн. Пoжaлyйcтa, пoдcкaжитe, чтo дeлaть. Cпacибo!
deisik (OP)
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services
August 10, 2020, 09:55:54 AM Last edit: August 19, 2020, 08:52:04 PM by deisik |
New article added: How Decentralized Finance Came to Be
Original linkJoin the discussion here
deisik (OP)
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services
August 18, 2020, 07:08:37 PM Last edit: August 19, 2020, 07:15:27 PM by deisik |
First part of a new article about blockchain oracles added: Blockchain Oracles: Connecting The Worlds – Part 1
Original linkJoin the discussion here
deisik (OP)
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services
August 26, 2020, 10:32:12 PM Last edit: August 28, 2020, 10:41:38 AM by deisik |
Second part of the article about blockchain oracles added: Blockchain Oracles: Connecting The Worlds – Part 2
Original linkJoin the discussion here
deisik (OP)
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services
August 28, 2020, 11:32:17 AM Last edit: September 08, 2020, 09:58:27 PM by deisik |
A review of the Particl marketplace added: Particl Marketplace: Where Sellers Meet Buyers
Original linkJoin the discussion here