Cool site. Naturally people with bitcoin projects are going to be hip to setting up a donation address.
I'm curious what we can do to get more "mainstream" open source projects to accept bitcoin? Paypal seems to be the dominant/exclusive means.
The folks over at the Tortise SVN project blog have some gripes about "How Paypal screws open source projects" noting things like
- sudden/random closure of account & long process to get any resolution to denying donations.
Paypal's own help/FAQ about open source donations casts a fair bit of doubt about it being supported: are a few projects/places that I think should be targeted for accepting btc donations: is one of the larger open source project hosting providers. It has a pre-boiled feature to allow projects can turn on to accept PayPal donations. How easy would it be to let them also accept BTC?
Open Source Initiative. accepts PayPal and something called NetworkForGood.
TrueCrypt, a tool that many BTC'ers used before the client supported encryption supports only PayPal. seems like such a natural and low-friction way for projects accept donations free from the whims and poor oversight of things like PayPal. Of course, the matter of donators acquiring BTC to be able to make a donation with is not as simple as credit card, but I suspect that at least some reasonable proportion of tech savvy folks that would be willing to donate already have some BTC holdings?
What can we as a community do to make more open source projects aware of the option and help them use it?