This faucet still has >400 coins... and you can get a max of just over 0.8, so it fits your bill:
Or... just set your rig to point to testnet pool and mine some yourself? Shouldn't take more than a few minutes, assuming you already mine Bitcoin.
P.S. Your error message doesn't seem like you're trying to access a faucet at all... "Not enough funds in the wallet to tumble" suggests you're trying to use a mixing/tumbling service?
emmm. shows that current wallet balance is 414.35778642.But i can get up to 0.08287000. ( 0.08<0.8 )
Besides i only have a pc(cpu). This does not seem to be suitable for mining.
P.S. Yes, error message comes from the tumbling service inseated of faucet.
Ah, sorry, misread the OP. I suppose you could always request more from the faucet and return it when you're done.
I'm not aware of any tumbling service for testnet coins... You testing your own mixer with testnet? If that error is from the service, then the mixer's wallet the one you need to top up... But this should be obvious if you were the developer.
Also, your testnet wallet appears to be 0.92 short for the min 1 required from the error message... Not 0.8