I'm an entrepreneur/developer. Been working(making projects/businesses, including startup) in tech during past 10 years. Have experience in tech/online marketing/general business. In terms of tech skills - full-stack dev + architecture. Generally not strictly limited and can get into whatever we might need to get the things done (unless it is something really deep and far from my background, like quantum mechanics
). Been following blockchain space since 2015. In terms of blockhain related experience - participated in a few hackathons and won one of them. Have affiliation with some project, but no full-time commitments now.
Can send more detailed background in DM.
Currently free and looking for ideas and collaborators to
start/get into some new venture. Interested in infrastructural / ecosystem projects as well as dapps + cleantech, genomic tech, positive impact ventures.
Appreciate LEAN way of doing things and hardwork
Can commit full-time.
If you have something in mind - lets get in touch!
telegram: @ilyahop
or PM here.
P.S. it is not a
job search advertisement.