This guide help you to build IP-control system for remote managment motherboard buttons (Power\Reset), 220V load (e.q. PSU), temp monitoring and other (pi can many more)
We need:
1. Raspberry Pi - 5V Relay board - or (depending on how many channels need you)
3. Webiopi framework for Raspberry Pi - direct hands
1. Download a Raspbian image - Use Win32DiskImager for write it on SDcard
3. Install Raspbian, enable SSH with installation
4. Connect via SSH to raspberry (use Putty)
5. Intall Webiopi framework for Raspberry Pi - don't forget run it & make autostart
6. Connect via Browser to
http://raspberyPiIP:8000 username-webiopi, password-raspberry, and you wil see default Webiopi page
7. Download files from here and put to \ directory (use WinSCP)
8. Restart webiopi & you wil see my example webpage for 2 farms
In example GPIO2, GPIO3 pins used for 220v load
GPIO22, GPIO27 pins used for PowerSW connector
GPIO4 used for 1-wire temperature sensor DS18B20
Warning!!! If you want managment 220V load - be aware, its dangerous. For 10A relay maxload is 5-6A (1000-1200W) you have a questions - ask me
PS. If you want to donate me
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