Hey there. I'm a newbie here, but I think it's the right place to discuss something intriguing me - blockchain for running companies and even the entire countries. You know, DAO and all this stuff (hope the word Ethereum is not a swear word at this forum).
The interest was catalyzed by the already renowned Vlad Zamfir's articles (
https://blog.goodaudience.com/blockchain-governance-101-eea5201d7992 this is where it all started from) on the decentralized governance; the message and the wrathful responses to them coming from pretty much everybody.
So, is there anybody thinking that blockchain will inevitably become a part of the big politics and businesses? And, if so, do the communities like that of Aragon, Ethereum or something like this
https://dgov.foundation/ really matter, is it possible to actually influence anything through them and so does the active participation there make any sense or not?