Don't you see that we already have everything to be TOTALLY free from all the centralized institutions?
Any coin out ther is Just like a flee market - only global. It is a market already!
And just like on a flee market you have to go through two steps to finalize the deal: First - a declaration to sell/buy and the rules consensus (before the actual swapping of values); Second - the actual swapping of values.
But what we have now? Now, with any blockchain out there, we only have a second option - swapping. We miss the first - a DECLARATION layer.
I am not talking about "the coin exchanges" only. WE CAN SWAP ANY VALUES: real estate, services, your own digitized stuff like a picture of your cat....
One will be able to escrow everything which that person - not the criminal exchange bosses! - thinks has value. (What will prevent you from tokenizing your house and put it out there - on the ESCROW - in a form of "John' House" token??? And let's see if "Daniel's shack" token is better then yours)
We already have a mechanism that called consensus. But the potential of it is only used for 50 % now - swapping values only. So, what prevents us to utilize it fully and use the same consensus rules to make an ESCROW layer/protocol based on the same principal.
The declaration consensus before the consensus to actually swap values. ANY VALUES - that is very important to note - any values that you can create (...and if we have a one-click-tokenizer on the same platform that would help too)
And then it is the nodes of whichever blockchain runs the escrow layer that get paid fees from every transaction, not the criminals at the exchanges. That's what i call true competition and intensive to run the node, because everyone would want a piece of a pie. Think how much of fees are the criminals at Shitfinex's out there are getting now??? - We can use that to incentivize the blockchain that runs escrow, don't we?
Wanna have millions nodes running your blockchain? - Run the Escrow layer!
You can tokenize and escrow pretty much everything your want - not only currency. (In fact we should stop using this term "cryptocurrency" because it limits the meaning. It's a cryptonet, that's what it is.)
Renting a bungalow... done.
A movie star might want to make a picture of his/her cat and tokenize it (can be just one token-picture) and put in on blockchain - it will have value if people are ready to swap other values in order to get it.
You write books? - Make 100 copies and tokenize them and put it on a blockchain, and escrow it out.
The "taxes" for example. In a decentralized system there's no taxes - there's crowdfunding. So, when a governing body - the one that all of us gave our consent to be our governing body - needs some funds to build a bridge in my town it might issue a token called "Bridge1"and escrow it out as a declaration of it's value. So if you buy the token - you participate in the governing and then receive a future shares of that bridge being used daily. Decentralized system is all about insensitive instead of brutal force.
So, why no blockchain project is doing this??? How come we still imprisoned by the banktser's exchanges?