lol ok, send me 10 btc, 5% interest monthly seems good ? if it's ok tell me to send you my address.
Careful, you are asking for a no collateral loan in almost what seems to be a joke. Even if the OP is serious your comical response can land your account in trouble.
Why XZERO1's account can be in trouble? For asking no-collateral loan; where op is offering non-collateral loan.
Anyway, I think XZERO1 posted like that as s/he thinks op is a historical comic character.
My Opinion: If op really offered such an amount loan as a newbie with negative trust s/he must verified his signature to proof s/he has the mentioned number of btc.
And also according to DT s/he is a scammer in this case op may ask to verify something and those document might be used on unfair means.