This is what I've been trying to explain to him. The amount he put in that feedback is the basis for Vod's claim that Thule is lying in his feedback about me by claiming I scammed him for 100 bitcoins. Thule either doesn't understand it or is willfully ignoring it.
I understand it perfectly.Anyone seeing that feedback i gave must be a retard claiming that i accused ThePharmacist to scam me 100 BTC.
Its a poor attempt to discredit and nothing else.
About law enforcement.
I had today a longer call with the canadian embassy here and they were very helpfull.
No laugh at all but being serious that someone called me a scammer and criminal which is defaming.
I won't comment much on it anymore.Its a waste of time.Let's speak actions.
I gave a fair warning and deadline till monday.
After that its your path you guys choosed since calling me a scammer and other words to discredit me is nothing i will accept.
Maybe the majority of forum members will accept it but not me.
I have never scammed anyone or have ever been in court charged of criminal activities so you will have a chance to proof your claims in the real world and explain the judge you just wanted to clean the forum by defaming honest people.
Negative - You were scammed or you strongly believe that this person is a scammer.
While the website does give that description for the negative feedback it doesn't hold true in practice. Account buying is mostly used for scamming, therefor DT members give negatives on it.
A great example of the double standards on this forum the community is complaining about
This forum should be considered unmoderated. While some obviously illegal things do get deleted and taken care of to limit the liability of the website owner and admins, there is very little moderation going on in the marketplace. As such, DT1 and DT2 has stepped in to try and fill that void with some sort of moral standard. And since it is mostly an unorganized group of individuals there are conflicting moral agreements and things like that. Those people are literally all we have in terms of scams/reprehensible behavior.
You can say it's illegal, and maybe some things are, and certainly there is rampant scamming which is illegal, but Theymos will probably not respond to subpoenas given to him for user data even if you somehow found him and got a lawyer in his country to issue it.
So this forum is great for public discussions but very poor for marketplace activities or anything involving money, which I've come to understand from being a member in a heavily moderated forum that was made for marketplace transactions. That forum even goes as far as creating hashes of IP addresses and displaying them and all matching IP hashes publicly to see if the same user is coming back so they can prevent them from scamming. The moderators and admins actively view first posts to see if a non-home IP address is being used and if not issue a huge warning about that user. Maybe Bitcointalk just isn't the forum for you, and that's ok. It serves a good purpose and is flawed, but nobody should really be mad about that.
I understand these issues since i am running myself several forums which i build over the last 11 years.
However i would never allow to play judge and defame somebody calling diffrent names without even knowing if he scammed or not.
The defame was a clear attack NOT because i bought a single account no it was because i didn't agree on their argumentations.
I told them clearly the reason i bought an account that i read the forum rules before buying and even asked a Mod if its allowed which he confirmed.
They started making me look like a scammer and even calling in public.
I asked them to remove it and instead i got a bunch of dickheads who have clearly some ego issues attacking me with diffrent names and defaming.
I have nothing done which could lead to call me a scammer,fraud,criminal .
They defamed with clear intention to destroy somebodies reputation and give a fuck if its legit or not.
They claim they have the right to do it because there is a community consensus about it.
Funny i never read about any of these consensus.Just some DT members talking to themself is no community consensus expecially when the forum rules clearly says its allowed and even a mod confirmed it positiv.
Instead of saying listen we will make it neutral since you actually checked the forum rules and asked a mod which could lead to that situation they punched me with massiv negativ trust calling diffrent names etc without having any proof i ever scammed someone.
You think if i would be a scammer i would care about that account ?
I could just go and buy a legendary.
The issue is that my nick is being known on other boards and this discredits my person and my company when calling me fraud,scammer,criminal and i told them about it and that i can't accept something like that.
Since they had never before someone who really cared about his name they were teached to discredit someone and move on.
Here its not going to happen.
Lauda is smart and already deleted a comment.
I also never planned to go to court but VOD clearly explode anything by calling me in public a criminal.
For your info the defentition of a criminal :
An individual who has been found guilty of the commission of conduct that causes social harm and that is punishable by law; a person who has committed a crime.
You guys are talking a lot about defending from scammers.Who is defending me from abusers who defame and discredit without proof ?
The forum rules clearly says they won't play judge but you did without providing any evidence that i scammed anybody because buying a single account is no evidence of scamming anybody.
defamer :To damage the reputation, character, or good name of (someone) by slander or libel.