The regulator's viewpoint is pretty clear from this.
The Council also deliberated on the issues and challenges of Crypto Assets/Currency and was briefed about the deliberations in the High-level Committee chaired by the Secretary (Economic Affairs) to devise an appropriate legal framework to ban use of private crypto currencies in India and encouraging the use of Distributed Ledger Technology
That highlighted part clearly states that the Committee has had discussions about ways to ban usage of cryptocurrencies. Its the council's job now to actually decide on what course of action to take.
To be real, i think the regulator is rightly concerned about the possible misuses that the Indian mind can come up with. We already have unethical operators running chit-fund scams, real estate scams, MLMs with the sole purpose is to part gullible fools from their money. The glitz and promises associated with cryptos will be too hard to ignore for millions of lower-middle income people in India. Just look at how many hardware scams propped up in OLX during the mining frenzy last year. The tendency of the knowledgeable to exploit those who know less is too strong in our people.
I ardently hope that there is no ban on possession or individual use. It should be the individual's decision to invest or be a part of the P2P economy.