We celebrate the milestone of 50 storage nodes on the SiaPrime network by running the next round of financial incentives. The plan will evolve into a long term process of sharing revenues with storage partners recognizing storing data is a serious commitment.
Bring up a new node and receive 20,000 coins to help cover the cost of collateral. Stay online and receive ongoing monthly incentives*. New for Round 2, refer a friend who delivers a node (live for 30 days) and receive another 10,000 SCP as they also receive coins!
Nodes must meet the following guidelines to participate:
Minimum amount of storage offered to receive incentives - 750GB
Contract formation fees - leave at default
Bandwidth charges(upload/download) - 100 SCP minimum
Storage pricing - 2000 SCP minimum
Collateral - 2x Minimum (should be <3x to ensure a good score, 2.5x optimal)
After discussions of thin-provisioning at data centers, we've decided on a mixed incentive reward going forward. It is trivial to make a storage node appear much larger than it actually is, requiring expensive disk filling tests to verify. Our solution is to pay partially on available storage with a ceiling and on data stored. The benefit is this incentivizes more storage AND nodes setting aggressive pricing strategies to earn a good node score (and with it, more contracts/storage).
Reward schedule
.625 SCP/GB/Mo of storage offered up to 32TB with a 20,000 SCP cap + 10 SCP/GB/Mo of data stored
Example calculation 1:
Storage offered: 1500gb x .625 = 938 SCP + Data stored: 475gb x 10 = 4750 SCP
Total reward = 5688 SCP
Example calculation 2:
Storage offered: 64000gb x .625 = 40,000 SCP (20k over cap so reward = 20,000 SCP) + Data stored: 2250gb x 10 = 22500 SCP
Total reward = 42500 SCP
To get started in hosting, download our current client software. get additional coins for hosting, we are available on today and will be live on the Crypto-Bridge DEX soon. You can also mine profitably using ASIC rigs from Innosilicon, Obelisk, Bitmain and others. Once you are ready to host or have your node running, contact here or in our Discord.