As I understand it last year (or possibly this year) we got a new set of public key/private key pairs for the bech 32/ native segwit addresses.
nothing has changed about number of key pairs or how they work. there is still the same number of private keys (0< key <n defined by secp256k1 curve) and there is the same public key corresponding to each private key.
As I understand, the native segwit addresses have added to the pool of Bitcoin addresses, but by how much?
Normal segwit addresses (the non native ones beginning with a 3) share the same private keys as the legacy addresses so there's a theoretical no change in the number of private keys for that.
what has changed is the new type of output that you can create which belongs to segwit so the addresses are also different. otherwise every step until creation of an address is the same:
private key --EC multiplication--> public key --SHA256 of RIPEMD160--> hash160
then if you encode that result with base58check you get address starting with 1. if you encode it with bech32 you get an address starting with bc1.