We are pleased to announce first bartering system in crypto--Proof of Stake on Steroids.
The Revelation Coin project is making waves again in the cryptocurrency community by introducing a reward system like no other.
While not a true “proof of stake” rewards algorithm, the Revelation Coin offers four rewards coins (also known as Xtra Coins) which it distributes to individuals who hold coins in their wallet, and unlike a true proof of stake system the rewards are predictable since they are based on a schedule, specific minimum amounts required, and distribution timing.
The major perk is that the Xtra coins have a much lower total supply.
This makes a truly unique rewards system.
The system rewards the holders with lower supply coins which ultimately allows the common person to hold coins with a very low supply. How many people hold a crypto currency token with a supply of 7,000 or 700,000 for that matter? Not many.
The flagship coin, Revelation Coin (known as REV) has a supply of 20 billion which in crypto world could be considered a rather high supply.
The highest supply of the Xtra coins is called “Revelation Silver” which has a supply of only 7 million.
Revelation Gold has a supply of 700,000, Revelation Platinum has a supply of only 70,000 and Revelation Diamond, the lowest supply in the project’s bartering system, has a supply of only 7,000.
The coins will initially be placed in circulation by distributing to holders of coins within the REV bartering system.
The amount of Rev and each of the Xtracoins an individual will receive will be based on the amount of coins they are holding in their ERC-20 wallet on the 7th on each month, exchange wallets do not qualify to receive distribution.
The following chart will better explain this tiered system and how the coins are distributed:For every 7,500,000 (7.5 million) REV a wallet is holding, the holder will receive 350 REV Silver.
For every 3,500 (3 thousand five hundred) REV Silver a wallet is holding, the holder will receive 35 REV Gold.
For every 350 REV Gold a wallet is holding, the holder will receive 3 REV Platinum.
For every 35 REV Platinum a wallet is holding, the holder will receive 1 REV Diamond.So in short, you must hold a minimum amount of the previous tier in order to receive the next tier of coins.
The project is already in partnership with limited exchanges ready to implement this system to allow for immediate trading of the Reward coins.
People are starting to take notice of this one of a kind system as the community and supporters continue to grow at a tremendous rate.
The Revelation Coin project is a grassroots preparedness project implementing the first complete, self-sustaining and currently usable blockchain bartering system.
For more information visit the website:
www.revelationcoin.org or you can visit their twitter page