I hope this is not an odd post/request. I have a potential Cropto Service product idea brewing in my mind and I believe this will be a BIG project if pulled of correctly. Obviously your idea always looks great to you unless it is validated by others.
Looking for someone who has been part of mid to large project and have in depth knowledge of Crypto world. You could just be only a mentor or be an active partner in launching this project with me. If you want to take a larger role, that idea is welcome too.
Preferably someone from US however that is not a must. I am hoping this to be a mutually beneficial for both of us in long run.
PM me with your details and I will reach out to you as soon as as I can.
Apart from the idea, do you have the actual funds or the connections to bring in the funds to pull your idea off? The most important thing you must evaluate is whether you can justify your idea to a 5 year old. Particularly one who has a very short attention span. You can pretty much assume your project will succeed if a 5 year old is excited about it.
And if you want my help, my inbox's doors are always opened to new ideas.
Thank you for the comment that made me realize that I left this important detail out. Yes I do have connections and also going to invest some of my own money. Like a lot of folks, I could not capitalize on mid Jan Crypto Market boom or else I would have funded this all by myself :-).
I am not sure if my idea really can excite a 5 year old however I will PM you shortly to see what you think.....