Hello everyone,
We are a rapidly growing team of professionals who are producing the most complete resource about ICO, cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Here we want to share our results and to get feedback from blockchain community.
Our headliner product is Professional ICO analytics. We gather and analyze every starting ICO. We do not only analyze each project, but also we aggregate the ratings of 14 world rating agencies. Therefore, we conclude the most objective and transparent assessment based on pure mathematics. Our experts gather and analyze already 52 characteristics for each ICO, and this number is constantly growing, because we take into account the opinions of users and improve our product based on their wishes.
Our resource presents an analysis of roadmaps (the ratio of the stages passed to all planned ones), potential competitors of each ICO, and the most important thing is that only here you can use filters to determine the best projects by any criteria.
Don't take a lot of time to surf the Internet in search of information. All information is gathered for you on the pages of ICO Analytics!
Besides we make complete list of cryptocurrencies. Each cryptocurrency is described across 23 characteristics, which will help you to determine which currency to trust and which to avoid. At our resource you can sort currencies by almost any criteria directly in the table. Also, the presence of an expanded filter system will allow you to independently consider and compare cryptocurrencies from any angle, analyzing any characteristic.
We will be glad you to share your opinion about our resources and show us things to improve, because we make all this products for you!
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