no basic spec info at all

, devs either show the shit or it looks like your trying to hide something.
No mn info or anything

Da ja
Stabycroc ;_)>
How to create HATCH masternode.
Ubuntu 18.04
Step 1:
Need to have 1000 HATCH.
Step 2: Desktop
Download wallet and go to Tools\Debug console
getaccountaddress mn01c
(got a new wallet address mn01c (collateral))
sendtoaddress (new wallet address mn01c) 1000
(received a transaction)
getaccountaddress mn08o
(got a new wallet address mn01o (owner))
getaccountaddress mn08v
(got a new wallet address mn01v (voting))
getaccountaddress mn08r
(got a new wallet address mn01r (reward))
sendtoaddress (new wallet address mn01r) 1
bls generate
(received masternodeblsprivkey (secret) and publicKey (public))
masternode outputs (transaction received after running sendtoaddress (new wallet address) 1000)
(got the transaction output number, 0 or 1 at the end of a transaction)
Step 3: VPS
sudo ufw allow OpenSSH
sudo ufw allow 8888/tcp
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw enable
Step 4: VPS
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Step 5: VPS
sudo adduser hatch
su - hatch
Step 6: VPS
wget -xvf hatchcore-0.14.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
cd ~/hatchcore-0.14.0/bin
./hatchd -daemon
./hatch-cli stop
Step 7 VPS
nano ~/.hatchcore/hatch.conf
Add a code
masternodeblsprivkey=(masternodeblsprivkey (secret) received from Desktop Step 6)
masternodeaddr=(external ip address of this VPS):8888
externalip=(external ip address of this VPS)
Save and exit
cd ~/hatchcore-0.14.0/bin
Step 8 Desktop
Go to Tools\Debug console
protx register_prepare (transaction) (transaction output number) (external ip address of VPS from step 7):8888 (address mn01o) (publicKey from step2) (address mn01v) 0 (address mn01r)
(got tx, (address mn01c), signMessage)
signmessage (address mn01c) (signMessage)
(got sig)
protx register_submit (tx from step 8 ) (sig from step 8 )
Go to Settings\Options\Wallet\
Mark “Show Masternodes Tab”
Restart Desktop Wallet
Go to Masternodes tab
Check My masternodes only
And you should see your masternode

Dev need create discord and telegram chanel

We will probably add when there will be more than 300 users.