Is that strange? Why wouldn't a far right wing government go after the unions? I believe it's happened in Italy, among other places.
Thatcher broke the back of the steel unions in the UK.
I actually believe that the power shifts are a good thing. Too bad there's only a right wing and a righter wing in the US.
I believe the irony is in the implication that we need government to protect us from government.
I don't see the irony.
You have a democratic force to stand against the undemocratic forces. You have zero say in what Goldman-Sachs does. You have a say in what the government does. Then you just need to elect a government that actually controls GoSac et al. I belive the US is screwed
because the population is asleep, but that's another point.
You need government to protect against private interests, and private interests to protect against government. Balance and power shifts. Nothing strange. Nothing ironic.