you can type in korean if it's more comfortable for you, i have no problem reading it, i just dont have a korean keyboard.
its a combination of things, the commentary you include is 1 or 2 sentences at most in most cases, and not enough to justify copy + pasting multiple articles a day. that and the daily threads come close to spam, maybe consider opening a daily coin news thread instead and making posts in there instead of creating a new thread every day. there was a point where your threads took up half of the first page and they were all daily coin news threads.
posting a link to the articles should be fine for discussion, but try not to copy paste the article's complete text in your posts. the forum is cracking down on copy pasters and banning users permanently. i don't want you to get banned for a small mistake.
네. 좋습니다. 한국어로 쓸게요.
나의 코인 뉴스들이 첫페이지의 절반이나 차지하게 된 이유는 그때 당시에는 여기에 글을 쓰는 사람이 거의 없었기 때문입니다. 며칠에 한번씩 올렸는데도, 제 글들로만 꽉 찼던 적 있습니다. 그만큼 한국 로컬보드에 글 쓰는 분이 별로 없습니다.
지금은 다른 게시하는 분들이 많긴 하지만, 대부분 홍보성 게시물들 뿐입니다. 더구나 같은 게시물을 지속적으로 반복적으로 올리는 사람도 있습니다.
저는 뉴스 기사들을 복사해서 글을 썼지만, 많은 뉴스 기사들을 읽어보고 그 중에 알고 있으면 좋은 기사 내용들만 간추려서 게시해왔습니다. 출처도 항상 밝혔습니다. 기사에 대한 논평? 또는 나의 의견도 꼭 코멘트 했습니다. 혹시라도 기사 복사로 문제 생길까봐서요. 근데 이게 어떻게 표절에 들어가는지 이해 못합니다. 아 그리고 뉴스 기사에 대한 논평이 1~2줄이면 충분하지 않습니까?. 기사 내용만큼 제가 논평 할 수는 없잖아요. 그리고 영문 보드들에서는 한 두 단어나 한 두줄에 욕설 섞어도 문제 없고 메릿도 받더군요. 쩝.
중요 뉴스 게시하고 거기에 의견 개진하는 것도 비톡 룰에 위배되나요?.
i understand why you think it's justifiable, and this would have been totally fine a year or so ago. however, i don't make the forum's rules. i'm just trying to explain to you why your posts went against the forum's rules.
and yes, the korean local board is mostly dead, and very few people post here, but that doesn't excuse the posters from the rules. i would rather not have the few people who actually post here with good intentions to get banned over this.
as for the 1-2 lines of commentary, like i said earlier it might have been accepted a long time ago, but as of now the forum has a big problem with copy + pasting, and the moderators can't get them all. some inevitably get away with it. as for those you see doing the same thing, you can report them if you like, but don't take their example to think that it doesn't go against the forum rules.
posting news itself doesn't go against the rules, but creating a new thread about it every day could be counted as spam. like i suggested earlier, consider creating one thread with daily updates to it instead of making a new thread every day.
sorry if i misunderstood something you might have said, my reading is pretty bad.