Should there be punitive measure for breakers of the above rules?
Nope, there shouldn't be, just as the rules states them, but with no specific means to redress such issues...Its a minor issue on the forum,its simply on the rules to encourage members to keep the discussions on the right track and not do deviate to personal attacks against any member..
There definitely are one or two trolls here and there,but it's inevitable in a forum that comprises of over a million users from diverse countries,ethnic groups,race etc...
The MODS handle such issues
They trash excessive trolling comments if they come across it/if it's reported
They also trash threads begging for X amount of bitcoin for Y reasons..
I for one havent come across death threats on the forum..
I think it's definitely better to leave things this way,and avoid conversations that get really personal,ive seen one or two in the politics and society section
Q: Someone insulted me. Why aren't you deleting his post/thread?
A: Possible (since we don't have the time or resources to check) insults are also allowed as long as they contain any kind of constructive opinion, info or something else substantial and aren't off-topic. For example, posting something like "you are dumb" will be deleted as it contains no meaningful content. However, if the post is somehwere along the lines of "You are dumb. This is wrong because this website/thread/etc. has explained it's not right", it's in most cases accepted