FLASH... BOOT... MINE!A low-difficulty cryptocurrency for the Raspberry Pi and other ARM SBC’s.RaspyCoin is a simple Scrypt-based crypto exclusively for the Raspberry Pi and ASUS Tinkberboad.
Because of its low difficulty it can be mined from within the wallet console without the need of additional mining hardware.
It is definitely for the hobby miner, and should not be considered as any type of potentially real currency or investment.
Download a Raspbian image with RaspyCoin preinstalled, flash it to a micro-sd card, boot your Pi and you will be mining in minutes!
Direct RaspyCoin image download:Raspbian Stretch 2018-11-13 with RaspyCoin wallet installed:
Archive.org :
https://archive.org/download/RaspyCoin/RaspyCoin.img.tar.gzGoogle Drive:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1x_SO5of9C0WaY-LXb6EMpY1Sl16cIULpRaspbian Stretch 2018-11-13 with RaspyCoin wallet installed, auto expands to fill micro-sd card and begins mining automatically:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=191bPZSYYXPonPnB7_p4CumSVtQ0NQLsFEmail: raspy.coin@gmail.com
RaspyCoin Archives:Archive.org:
https://archive.org/details/RaspyCoinGoogle Drive:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RaspyCoin
Blockchain propertiesCoin name: RaspyCoin
Coin abbreviation:RSPY
Algorithm: Scrypt
Type: PoW
Address letter: R
RPC port: 41252
P2P port: 41251
Block reward: 10000 coins
Block halving: 4000000 blocks
Coin supply: 79999999999 coins
Advanced propertiesCoinbase maturity: 20 blocks
Target spacing: 1 minutes
Target timespan: 10 minutes
Transaction confirmations: 6 blocks
How to Install the RaspyCoin Wallet on a Pre-existing SystemDownload raspycoin-qt-raspberry.tar.gz from:
https://archive.org/details/RaspyCoinGoogle Drive:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17bQVrv9QF9CGU_yA70nWhGF0wXIv09MQ?usp=sharingDownload and install the newest updates:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Next install the following major dependencies packages:
sudo apt-get install git build-essential libtool autotools-dev sudo apt-get install autoconf pkg-config libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libcrypto++-dev libevent-dev
sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev libgmp-dev libboost-all-dev sudo apt-get install devscripts libdb++-dev libsodium-dev
sudo apt-get install libqrencode-dev
Next install the following QT dependencies packages:
sudo apt-get install libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5
sudo apt-get install qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools
sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
sudo apt-get install libcrypto++-dev libminiupnpc-dev qt5-default
Extract the Raspycoin wallet, right-click on it and under “Properties” make it executable.
Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you extracted the wallet and execute the following command in the terminal:
Use the following instructions to mine a block from the Raspy wallet:
Open your wallet, and make sure you are connected to another wallet.
You are connected and your wallet is synced when you see the green checkmark icon in the lower right corner of your wallet.
Go to Help.
Click Debug Window.
This is the console where you will execute all commands.
Type this command to start mining:
If you want to use a specific number of CPU cores, instead of -1, type the number of cores.
You can type the following command to see the status of generation:
How do I backup my wallet?
You can backup your wallet using the following instructions.
1) Close your wallet.
2) Open the folder “./raspycoin”. Note: this is a hidden folder that can be made visible
in the “View” menu.
3) Copy the file wallet.dat to a safe location.
How do I restore my wallet?
You can restore your wallet using the following instructions.
1) Close your wallet.
2) Make a backup of the folder “./raspycoin”.
3) Copy the file wallet.dat from your backup to the folder “./raspycoin”.
How do I connect with a node?
You can manually connect to a node using the following instructions.
Close your wallet and create the file raspycoin.conf in the folder “./raspycoin”.
Paste the following text into raspycoin.conf and save the file.
Additional nodes can be added to the raspycoin.conf as they become available