How many cryptocurrencies and tokens does Cobo Vault support?
Coins include BTC, ETH, BCH, DASH, LTC, ETC, TRON, EOS. ETH, Tron and EOS tokens are supported. New coins and tokens will be added regularly as part of the development roadmap. Please let us know which coins you would like to see added!
It's easy to say it can hold "hundreds of different coins and tokens at once" when it is clearly talking about ERC20 or similar tokens. Every hardware wallet can support hundreds of trash tokens at once via MEW or similar.
The Cobo Vault only supports 8 actual coins, and half of them are shitcoins. Worth noting you can easily install all of these 8 coins on a Ledger at once since BTC, BCH, LTC and DASH share a significant amount of code, as do ETH and ETC. I suspect they are being intentionally vague, much likely most of their advertising, because their wallet just isn't that good.