Recently, I realized that I have very few friends. There are no more than three of them. However, I often see people who have a lot of friends, and sometimes I begin to feel somehow impaired. What do you think? Do you have a lot of friends?
As you get older, and as you develop beliefs and habits, you will lose friends.
I have two people I still talk to from when I was young - the rest come and go, sometimes for years at a time, as my situations change.
True, people come and go, not all stays with us because sometimes our places became different as time goes by and not all the time your friends are all free at the same time. I also have some few friends that is not already with me now because we already have different places now. Still hoping to have reunions and bond with them again when theres a perfect time. The truth now is, I dont have friends with me now but I have my family with me.