Hello everyone,
we are about to close the first financing round for Yanda.io and we are looking for investors happy to join our company as shareholders. The minimum ticket is $ 50K.
The team at Yanda is currently completing an acceleration program together with our lead investor StartupYard and you can find more info about the mission of the company
If you are interested in investing in cutting edge technologies, we would be happy to receive an email at
info@yanda.io so we can share our deck for investors with you and jump on a Skype call with the founders.
What we are looking for:
- investors with strong trading background (preferably with some experience with HFT)
- investors with strong marketing background
- investors with engineering background (API and Multichain)
We would be happy to receive investment in crypto and fiat currencies as well. We need to perform due diligence on every investor. Please do not reply if you're not willing to share your background with us.
The team at Yanda.io