Next question:
Lightstreams has an interesting roadmap. What are your marketing plans to grow in terms of customer base?
Do you have plans to do community meetup to create bond in community?
We have split our growth strategy for Lightstream into 2 separate paths.
Growth Path 1 - The Network & bringing developers and partners on-board.
We strongly believe the future of Lightstreams depends on the developers and organisations that choose to work with the Lightstreams SDK. Technically these are not customers but peers, and, as such we are now moving towards replicating the great developer communities you can find though communities such as what monzo or ethereum has. It is a lot of work to get us there and right now most of our resources are focused on dev but we have already started the transition (We also have great educators such as Lukas Lukac on board helping with developers learning .
Growth Path 2 - Our in-house DApps (eg Fanbase) and getting them to be popular
Our plan for our DApps is to license or sell rights to the technology to 3rd parties who already are involved within the industry. Fanbase is already in the radar of music industry executives as they see it as a way to stop having Facebook/Instagram/Spotify as intermediaries between their artists and the fan community. Most likely we’ll partner with an organization that wants to fund Fanbase such that their artists can get on board (and bring with them a lot of fans!).
For us it is somewhat of a chicken and egg scenario as we know that without Fanbase (or LightDrive) gaining traction then we won’t have as much exposure as we like, and we feel this is necessary to get more people onboard to Lightstreams (as they’ll see what cool things can be done).. But at the same time we need Lighttreams live first before Fanbase
I hope I did a good job, but you can always hit up Andrew Zappella on our next AMA for concrete steps he's bringing into play on these topics.