The future of altcoins is 100% pre-mined branded coins used by Fortune 100 companies in reward systems.
You will be able to exchange your Kellogs coins for Coca-Cola coins, your Amazon coins for WalMart coins.
All your idealistic utopian dreams will turn into the 21st century equivalent of a plastic toy in the bottom of a box of corn flakes.
A cryptocoin will emerge as a payment token. It won't be bitcoin or a scrypt based altcoin. There are too many existing bitcoin stakeholders with claims to serendipitous wealth that need to be disenfranchised before a universally acceptable cryptocoin can achieve fair distribution and there is no barrier to entry for scrypt based coins. It will be a PoUW (proof of useful work) coin most likely 100% pre-mined by a government and it will use clojure as a scripting language. It will be distributed via a tax refund mechanism. AUR glimpsed the future, but only tangentially.
Actually the future is in goldcoin based on my study of the altcoin lineup. It looks like they're flying under the radar at the moment loading the wagons with cheap bullion. This is one to keep an eye on. I understand the developer is some kind of coding Houdini.