#Proof of authentication post
Bounty Type you participated: Twitter campaign
Bitcointalk username: chuqnie
Telegram username: @Hugasinora
Twitter username : @DaisukeZenbatsu
Twitter URL:
https://twitter.com/DaisukeZenbatsu#Proof of authentication#Bitcointalk username: Colibre
Telegram username: @Tengcantengan
Twitter URL:
https://twitter.com/CSaiberlindBounty Type you participated: Twitter
#Proof of authentication
Bounty Type you participated: Twitter
Bitcointalk username: fathoyah
Telegram username: @Livingviking
Twitter URL:
https://twitter.com/CPavliuchenkov#Proof of authentication post#
Bounty Type you participated: Twitter
Bitcointalk username: MereJane
Telegram username: @Elmhey
Twitter URL:
https://twitter.com/LauraMerejaneETH Addrees : 0x58Ce8bcAC9560f6FFc20ff84AEb1cE066034C113
ok noted!
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