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Author Topic: [BOUNTY][LU 17/01] BITWIN 💰 880,000$ Bounty | Blockchain iGaming Innovation  (Read 40133 times)
bartosz_bilinski (OP)
Copper Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 82
Merit: 11

View Profile WWW
December 27, 2018, 06:14:41 PM
Last edit: March 19, 2019, 05:22:37 PM by bartosz_bilinski


Bounty duration: 28.12.2018 - 24.04.2019 (17 weeks)
ICO duration: 15.01 - 24.04.2019
Token distribution: After ICO closure.
Token base price: $0.098
Total token pool of the bounty campaign:
9 million BWT Tokens

What is Bitwin 2.0 and Bitwin Token?
Bitwin 2.0 is a decentralized, blockchain-based online casino, sportsbook platform and iGaming solutions provider that is provably fair, transparent, secure and cost efficient.
Bitwin Token (BWT) is one of the main methods of payment to be used with Bitwin 2.0 platform that grants cashback system benefit and eliminates pain points of casino and sportsbook industry: high margins, RNG algorithm tampering and funds freezing.

Our mission is to provide a truly transparent, and provably fair online casino and sportsbook experience, with low transaction costs and near-instant withdrawals of any amount.
In order to accomplish that, we are building on top of our current platform to adapt possibilities brought about with blockchain technology. In addition, we are planning on sharing results of our work with the blockchain casinos community by provision of various on-chain gaming solutions easily adoptable in other platforms alike


Allocation of bounty campaign funds
Signature Bounty (25% of campaign funds)
Whitelist Bounty (8% of campaign funds)
Youtube Bounty (5% of campaign funds)
Reddit Bounty (5% of campaign funds)
Content Bounty (10% of campaign funds)
Twitter Bounty (7% of campaign funds)
LinkedIn Bounty (8% of campaign funds)
Telegram Channel Bounty (9% of campaign funds)
Telegram Avatar Bounty (3% of campaign funds)
Translation Bounty (10% of campaign funds)
Facebook Bounty (10% of campaign funds)


General rules of Bitwin Bounty Campaign
1. Every participant of the bounty program must join:
•          Bitwin Token FB Page
•          Telegram Community Group
•          Bitwin Token Bounties Group
2. The use of several accounts, any cheating, spamming or unethical behaviour will disqualify you from any of the bounties.
3. Bitwin Token Bounty participant is required to visit bitcointalk bounty thread at least once a week, so as to be up to date with any news or updates regarding campaign rules, as well as regularly check Bitwin Token Bounties channel on Telegram for important updates and announcements.
4. If the token pool designated for a given program will be inadequate in relation to the number of bounty participants, the bounty campaign manager and Bitwin Team reserve the right to modify the program terms.
5. We highly recommend to double-check provided Ethereum wallet address before signing up for the bounty. Any changes in later stages will be denied.
6. Every participant has to register with use of an appropriate forms, which are hyperlinked to the banners.
7. If you decide to join a bounty program that you did not apply for initially, please register with appropriate form and post a proof of authentication.
8. Every participant has to submit a report corresponding to the specific bounty by the end of every week (Sunday 23.59 GMT).
9. Reports, which require posting in this thread, must be done in a new post, and not added to an already existing post.
10. Provision of the reports without valid registration will result in an incorrect pairing in the verifying app and lack of the reward.
11. Bounty campaigns end with the closure of the ICO or when all the tokens are sold in the process.
12. The stakes of the bounty campaigns are calculated internally and will be awarded at the time of their closure.
13. After the result of the bounty campaign are published, participants have 7 days to submit a query or complaint.
14. Spreadsheets corresponding to the bounty programs are hyperlinked to the spreadsheet banners.
15. All the Bounty Report Forms can be found at the very end of this post.

#Proof of authentication post:

Programs: *which programs do you want to participate in*
Bitcointalk Username:
Bitcointalk profile URL:
Twitter profile URL: *if chosen*
LinkedIn profile URL: *if chosen*
Content profile URL: *if chosen*
YouTube channel URL: *if chosen*
Telegram Username:
ETH Address:

2 250 000 tokens

1. Participants must use the official Bitwin avatar and signature to participate, if their rank allows it.
2. Participants account must be a member rank or above.
3. Participants can not change the signature in the course of the campaign.
4. Red trust forum users are not accepted.
5. To qualify for the prize, all participants must post at least 6 posts per week with the Bitwin signature and avatar, and must retain the signature and avatar until the prize is awarded.
6. If the participant does not reach 6 valid posts before the end of the week, no award will be given for that week. Only constructive posts count.
7. Only 3 posts a week in the Bitwin thread count to the campaign posts pool, i.e. the rest of the posts must be written in other threads.
8. To avoid spamming, no more than 3 posts a day will be treated as valid in the program.
9. Posts must consist of more than 60 characters to be counted as valid (excluding spaces).
10. Bounty posts do not count towards the required number of posts.
11. Negative trust points received during the campaign will result in disqualification and the participant will not receive payment.
12. Advertising of other projects during the Bitwin campaign is not accepted.
13. The participant of the bounty must contact Bitwin using this thread if he plans to change his signature for the signature of a different project. Otherwise, you may lose weekly tokens from this Bounty program.
14. If the participant's rank changes during the campaign, the new position will apply from the next week. Bitwin needs to supplement this fact in the rank form as soon as possible.
15. Every participant has to register with use of the Signature Bounty Campaign Registration Form.
16. Every participant has to fill out a weekly report form corresponding to the bounty by the end of every week and post here on this thread.
•          Jr. Member: 1 stake / week
•          Member: 2 stakes / week
•          Full Member: 3 stakes / week
•          Sr Member: 5 stakes / week
•          Hero/Legendary Member: 10 stakes / week
Additionally, invite Bitcointalk users to join our Bounty Campaign and receive additional Stakes. Referee has to join the signature campaign and earn stakes.
•          1 person invited: 2 stakes / week
•          2-4 people invited: 4 stakes / week
•          5-7 people invited: 8 stakes / week
•          8 and more people invited: 12 stakes / week
•          [Bonus] Hero member invite +3 stakes
•          [Bonus] Legendary member invite +6 stakes
Please advise your referees to fill in your Bitcointalk username in the form when applying.


Jr. Member:
[center][td]███████████   ★  BITWIN  ★  Epic BTC Casino  ★   ████
████   ★    Join 880 000 USD Bounty   ★    ███████████[/td][/center]

[center][td]█████████████████ [url=] ★   BITWIN [/url] [url=]  ★   Epic BTC Casino and Sportsbook - soon on blockchain!  ★  [/url]███████████
██████████████  [url=]❍ Whitepaper[/url] [url=]  ❍ Bounty[/url]  []  ❍ ANN Thread[/url]  [] ❍ Telegram[/url] []  ❍ Social Media  ❍[/url] ██████████████
███████████   ★  Pushing the boundaries of iGaming Innovation  ★[url=]   Join  Whitelist  [/url]  ★   █████████████████[/td][/center]

Full Member:
[center][td][color=#000000]█[/color][color=#000a07]█[/color][color=#00140e]█[/color][color=#001f14]█[/color][color=#00291b]█[/color][color=#003322]█[/color][color=#003d29]█[/color][color=#00482f]█[/color][color=#005236]█[/color][color=#005c3d]█[/color][color=#006644]█[/color][color=#00714a]█[/color][color=#007b51]█[/color][color=#008558]█[/color][color=#008f5f]█[/color][color=#009a65]█[/color][color=#00a46c]█[/color]  [url=][color=#000][b]  ★  BITWIN  [color=#000]★[/color][/b][/color][/url] [url=][color=#000] Epic BTC Casino and Sportsbook - soon on blockchain!  ★[/color][color=transparent],.,[/color][/url][color=#00ae73]█[/color][color=#009d68]█[/color][color=#008b5c]█[/color][color=#007a51]█[/color][color=#006845]█[/color][color=#00573a]█[/color][color=#00462e]█[/color][color=#003423]█[/color][color=#002317]█[/color][color=#00110c]█[/color][color=#000000]█[/color]
[color=#000000]█[/color][color=#000c08]█[/color][color=#001910]█[/color][color=#002519]█[/color][color=#003221]█[/color][color=#003e29]█[/color][color=#004b31]█[/color][color=#00573a]█[/color][color=#006342]█[/color][color=#00704a]█[/color][color=#007c52]█[/color][color=#00895a]█[/color][color=#009563]█[/color][color=#00a26b]█[/color]    [url=][color=#00a26b]❍ Whitepaper[/color][/url] [url=][color=#00a26b]  ❍ Bounty[/color][/url]  [][color=#00a26b] ❍ ANN Thread[/color][/url]  [][color=#00a26b] ❍ Telegram[/color][/url] [][color=#00a26b]  ❍ Social Media  ❍[/color] [color=transparent][/color][/url]  [color=#00ae73]█[/color][color=#00a26b]█[/color][color=#009563]█[/color][color=#00895a]█[/color][color=#007c52]█[/color][color=#00704a]█[/color][color=#006342]█[/color][color=#00573a]█[/color][color=#004b31]█[/color][color=#003e29]█[/color][color=#003221]█[/color][color=#002519]█[/color][color=#001910]█[/color][color=#000c08]█[/color]
[color=#000000]█[/color][color=#00100a]█[/color][color=#002015]█[/color][color=#002f1f]█[/color][color=#003f2a]█[/color][color=#004f34]█[/color][color=#005f3f]█[/color][color=#006f49]█[/color][color=#007f54]█[/color][color=#008e5e]█[/color][color=#009e69]█[/color]   [color=#000]★[/color]  Pushing the boundaries of iGaming Innovation[color=transparent]░[/color][color=#000]★[/color][url=][b]   [color=#f00]Join Whitelist[/color] [/url]  [color=#000]★[/color][color=transparent]░[/color] [color=#00ae73]█[/color][color=#00a46c]█[/color][color=#009a65]█[/color][color=#008f5f]█[/color][color=#008558]█[/color][color=#007b51]█[/color][color=#00714a]█[/color][color=#006644]█[/color][color=#005c3d]█[/color][color=#005236]█[/color][color=#00482f]█[/color][color=#003d29]█[/color][color=#003322]█[/color][color=#00291b]█[/color][color=#001f14]█[/color][color=#00140e]█[/color][color=#000a07]█[/color] [/td][/center]

Senior Member:
[td][center][url=][b][font=Arial][size=9pt][color=#fff][color=transparent]......[color=#00ae73]  Epic BTC Casino and Sportsbook. Soon on blockchain!  [color=transparent].....[color=#fff]
[size=12pt][color=transparent]..[color=#000][color=#00AE73][size=10pt]♦[/size][/color]Pushing the Boundaries of iGaming Innovation[color=#00AE73][size=10pt]♦[/size][/color][/color][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][url=][b][font=Arial][size=12pt][color=#fff][color=transparent]...[color=#f00][color=#ff1515]Become the part of the experience[color=transparent]...[color=#fff][/url]
[size=8pt][color=transparent]..[color=#f00][color=#fff][color=#00AE73]♦ [/color][url=][color=#000]WHITEPAPER[/color][/url]   [color=#00AE73]♦ [/color][][color=#000]ANN THREAD   [/color][/url][color=#00AE73]♦ [/color][][color=#000]SOCIAL MEDIA[/url][/color][color=transparent]..[/color][/td][td][/td]

Hero/Legendary Member:
[td][center][url=][b][font=Arial][size=9pt][color=#fff][glow=black,2,300][color=#000]........[color=#00ae73]  Epic BTC Casino and Sportsbook. Soon on blockchain!  [color=#000].......[color=#fff]
[size=12pt][glow=black,2,300][color=#000].[color=#fff][color=#00AE73][size=10pt]♦[/size][/color]Pushing the Boundaries of iGaming Innovation[color=#00AE73][size=10pt]♦[/size][/color][/color].[/color][/glow][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][url=][b][font=Arial][size=12pt][color=#fff][glow=black,2,300][color=#000].....[color=#f00][color=#ff1515]Become the part of the experience[color=#000].......[color=#fff][/url]
[size=8pt][glow=black,2,300][color=#000].[color=#fff][color=#000]..[color=#f00][color=#fff][color=#00AE73]♦ [/color][url=][color=#fff]WHITEPAPER[/color][/url]   [color=#00AE73]♦ [/color][][color=#fff]ANN THREAD    [/color][/url][color=#00AE73]♦ [/color][][color=#fff]SOCIAL MEDIA[/url][/color][color=#000]..[/color][color=#000].[/glow][/td][td][/td]



720 000 tokens

1. Register to the official Bitwin whitelist at
2. Fill out the Whitelist Bounty Campaign Registration Form

•          Successful registration - 1 stake
•          [Bonus] For every 1000 BWT Tokens bought get additional 2 stakes

450 000 tokens

1. Candidates will undergo selection that will be carried out by the Bitwin team.
2. Voiceover for video reviews will not be accepted
3. Video posted in the given week must have a form of review and must be verified by the Bitwin bounty manager in order to be rewarded.
4. Video must be publicly available and must contain Bitwin in it's title.
5. Video must be at least 4min long.
6. Video submitted by the user must be in English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Korean or Japanese
7. Video description must include link to the Bitwin website.
8. Video must include creator's ETH address provided in the registration form.
9. Plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
10. Every participant has to register with use of the YouTube Bounty Campaign Registration Form.
11. Every participant has to fill out a report form corresponding to the bounty and post the video link in this thread.

•          500 - 1000 views: 1 stake
•          1001 - 2500 views: 2 stakes
•          2501 - 5000 views: 3 stakes
•          5001+ views: 4 stakes

450 000 tokens

1. Participants must be active Reddit users with at least 20 karma.
2. Participants account must be original. Bot, fake or inactive accounts will not be accepted in the bounty.
3. Participants must subscribe to Bitwin's reddit page:
4. Participants must pin at least one Bitwin relevant post on the top and update it every week. If you fail to do so, you won't earn stakes.
5. Upvote, and make public, at least 5 posts/comments in /r/BitwinToken/ each week to earn stakes.
6. Make up to 15 posts/comments each week about Bitwin in the relevant subreddits for additional stakes, for example: /r/bitcoin, /r/ethereum, /r/ethtrader, /r/icocrypto, etc.
7. Each post must contain at least 30 words / comment 20 words.
8. Participants may use Bitwin's official images, logos, graphics, and other branding materials.
9. All content must be original. Plagiarism or translating existing content, including content published by Bitwin staff, will lead to disqualification.
10. Every participant has to register with use of the Reddit Bounty Campaign Registration Form

Upvote Rewards:
•          3-5 upvotes: 1 stake
•          6-20 upvotes: 2 stakes
•          21-40 upvotes: 3 stakes
•          41< upvotes: 4 stakes

Post/Comment Rewards:
•          1-5: 1 stake
•          6-10: 2 stakes
•          10-15: 3 stakes

900 000 tokens

1. The participant must be an active Medium/Steemit/Hackernoon user with at least 40 followers.
2. Participants account must be original. Bot, fake or inactive accounts will not be accepted in the bounty.
3. Submitted article must contain at least 300 words in order to be rewarded.
4. Content submitted by the user must be original.
5. Content submitted by the user must be in English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Korean or Japanese.
6. The participant can publish only 1 (one) article per day.
7. Every participant has to register with use of the Content Bounty Campaign Registration Form.
8. Every participant has to fill out a weekly report form corresponding to the bounty by the end of every week.

•          40-100 followers: 1 stake
•          101-300 followers: 2 stakes
•          301-500 followers: 3 stakes
•          501-1000 followers: 4 stakes
•          1001-2500 followers: 5 stakes
•          2500+ followers: 6 stakes

630 000 tokens

1. A minimum of 3 retweets per week is required.
2. Posts up to 2 times a day and 10 retweets per week are allowed.
3. Only the official Bitwin tweets from this week are considered valid.
4. To remain eligible for bounty prize a participant can not remove tweets, retweets or delete likes, or otherwise undo the required actions listed above during the ICO campaign.
5. Twitter audit of a bounty participant, carried out with, must show over 85-90% of real observers.
6. The participant must use the hashtags provided by Bitwin when composing tweets.
7. The participant must follow and like the official Bitwin website on Twitter and can not promote more than 3 projects in the last month and during the Bounty program for Bitwin.
8. Any user who does not meet the above conditions can not join the program.
9. As a proof, provision of a post activity link is required. Link to the re-post itself will not be accepted.
10. Every participant has to register with use of the Twitter Bounty Campaign Registration Form.
11. Every participant has to fill out a weekly report form corresponding to the bounty by the end of every week, and post it in this thread.

•           750- 1500 followers: 2 stake per tweet / retweet
•          1501- 10,000 followers: 4 stakes per tweet / retweet
•          10,000 + followers: 6 stakes per tweet / retweet

720 000 tokens

1. Each participant must join Bitwin's LinkedIn channel
2. The Bitwin Bounty participant account must have at least 70 contacts.
3. The Bitwin Bounty participant account must be shared as a public profile.
4. Comments must be constructive and have at least 40 characters. Participant can make only 1 (one) comment per post.
5. In order for an article to count towards the program, it must contain over 250 words and be original. Entries with less than the above number of words will not be eligible.
6. Posts can not be deleted from your personal page until the end of the bounty campaign. Posts must be set as public.
7. The participant must be the actual owner of the LinkedIn account, the account must be original, along with the completed professional CV and educational path. False, inactive and bot accounts will not be accepted.
8. Every participant has to register with use of the Linkedin Bounty Campaign Registration Form.
9. Every participant has to fill out a weekly report form corresponding to the bounty with a list of links to LinkedIn's activity by chronology, and post it in this thread.

•          Like + Share of an entry on your site - 1 stake
•          Constructive comments that have at least 30 characters - 2 stakes
•          [Bonus] Add “Bitwin 2.0 Investor” to you 'Current position' description - 3 stakes/week
•          Share of any post in the LinkedIn public group connected to blockchain, cryptocurrencies, investing, gambling, iGaming - 4 stakes.
•          Post / article about Bitwin 2.0 - 6 stakes

810 000 tokens

1. Program only for owners of Telegram channels and groups about ICO / cryptocurrencies / blockchain / gambling / poker/ investing/ trading.
2. A minimum of 2 and up to 4 posts per week about Bitwin is allowed in each channel/group.
3. Groups with fake / forced members will be disqualified.
4. Invitation of one the Bitwin bounty program moderators to the channel/group is required.
5. Every participant has to register with use of the Telegram Channel Bounty Campaign Registration Form.
6. Every participant has to fill out a weekly report form corresponding to the bounty by the end of every week and post it in this thread.

•          100-250 members: 1 stake
•          251-500 members: 2 stakes
•          501-1500 members: 3 stakes
•          1501-3000 members: 4 stakes
•          3001-7000 members: 5 stakes
•          7000 + members: 6 stakes

270 000 tokens

1. To qualify for the reward, participant must join the Bitwin Telegram group (
2. To qualify for the reward, participant must join the Bitwin Telegram Bounties channel (
3. The participant must wear Bitwin Token avatar for the duration of the bounty.
4. Bounty candidates will undergo selection that will be carried out by Bitwin team.
5. Every participant has to register with use of the Telegram Avatar Bounty Campaign Registration Form.
6. Every participant has to fill out a report form corresponding to the bounty.

Joining Bitwin Telegram channels & groups and:
•          Wearing the avatar - 1 stake
•          Wear the avatar and add "" to your telegram name (wearing another project's name is not allowed)  - 2 stakes


900 000 tokens

•          Translation and moderation of ANN and Bounty thread into native language.
•          Translation of Whitepaper into native language.
•          Bitwin 2.0 token sale website translation into native language.

1. People from the translation country (natives), ideally with professional experience, will be preferred.
2. Announcement  thread translators will be responsible for moderating official Bitwin threads in a foreign language and are required to actively publish messages and updates about Bitwin.
3. Translators / Moderators are required to use Bitwin's signature and avatar and must keep their signature and avatar until the end of the campaign.
4. Use of translation tools in this bounty program is strictly forbidden.
5. We will accept translators who have a minimum of one ICO project with a hard cap of more than $15 million, and one project that earned a minimum of $8 million in ICO through various cryptocurrencies, altcoins and other means. A provision of resume of previous translations for ICO projects will be required.
6. Every participant has to register with the use of the Translation Bounty Campaign Registration Form.
7. Every participant has to fill out a report form corresponding to the bounty.

•          ANN and bounty thread translation - 1 stake
•          Bitwin 2.0 token sale website translation - 2 stakes
•          WP translation - 3 stakes

█████████████████ ★   BITWIN   ★   Epic BTC Casino and Sportsbook - soon on blockchain!  ★  ███████████
██████████████  ❍ Whitepaper   ❍ Bounty    ❍ ANN Thread  ❍ Telegram   ❍ Social Media  ❍ ██████████████
███████████   ★  Pushing the boundaries of iGaming Innovation  ★   Join  Whitelist    ★   █████████████████
bartosz_bilinski (OP)
Copper Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 82
Merit: 11

View Profile WWW
December 27, 2018, 06:29:32 PM
Last edit: January 17, 2019, 01:28:20 PM by bartosz_bilinski

900 000 tokens

1. Participants must have at least 350 friends and a public profile (not private).
2. Only genuine Facebook accounts are allowed.
3. Only one account per participant is allowed.
4. All participants must follow and like our official Facebook page:
5. The profile should have a natural engagement rate (likes, posts, etc.)
6. Please provide a 5-star rating on Bitwin's Facebook page.
7. Every participant has to register with use of the Facebook Bounty Campaign Registration Form.
8. Every participant has to fill out a weekly report form corresponding to the bounty by the end of every week and report it in the thread.

Rewards for number of shares:
•          3: 1 stake / week
•          5: 2 stakes / week
•          7: 3 stakes / week

•          [Bonus] Invite people to like our Facebook page: 1 stake / 100 invites
•          [Bonus] Genuine post about Bitwin Token: 1 stake for each post 
(Max. 5 genuine posts / week)
•          [Bonus] Plus x0.25 stakes for every 10 likes (up to 50) of your post
•          [Bonus] Post about Bitwin Token at least once in crypto-related group with 5,000< members: 1 stake


1. Whitelist Bounty report form:
2. Content Bounty report form:
3. Telegram Channel Bounty report form:
4. Telegram Avatar Bounty report form:
5. Translation Bounty report form:
6. Signature Bounty report form (as a post in this thread):
Report date: * -*
Bitcointalk profile's link: *URL of your Facebook Profile*
ETH Address:

Link to your posts:
1- (dd/mm):
2- (dd/mm):
3- (dd/mm):
4- (dd/mm):
5- (dd/mm):
6- (dd/mm)

7. YouTube Bounty report form (as a post in this thread):
Report date: * -*
YouTube channel URL: *URL of your YouTube channel*
ETH Address:
YouTube video URL: *URL of the bounty review video*
Video language: *English/German/Portuguese/Spanish/Chinese/Russian/Korean/Japanese*
Video length: *minutes*

8. Reddit Bounty report form (as a post in this thread):
Report date: * -*
Reddit Link:
Reddit username:
ETH address:

Links to your comments :
1- (dd/mm):
2- (dd/mm):
3- (dd/mm):
4- (dd/mm):
5- (dd/mm):

Link to your posts:
1- (dd/mm):
2- (dd/mm):
3- (dd/mm):

9. Twitter Bounty report form (as a post in this thread):
Report date: * -*
Twitter username: *Your Twitter account name*
Twitter URL: *URL of your Twitter account*
Twitter Audit Link: *URL of audit report from*
ETH Address:
Links to the retweets (+likes): *Links to your like+retweets of the Bitwin Token official account tweets*
1- (dd/mm):
2- (dd/mm):
3- (dd/mm):
4- (dd/mm):
5- (dd/mm):
Link to your tweets: *Links to your tweets about Bitwin (Token)*
1- (dd/mm):
2- (dd/mm):
3- (dd/mm):

10. LinkedIn Bounty report form (as a post in this thread):
Report date: * -*
LinkedIn URL: *URL of your LinkedIn account*
Posts: *Links to your posts about Bitwin in chronological order*
Shares+Likes: *Links to your Shares of the Bitwin account posts*
Comments: *Links to your comments of the Bitwin official account posts*

11. Facebook Bounty report form (as a post in this thread):
Report date: * -*
Facebook Link: *URL of your Facebook Profile*
Facebook name: *Facebook profile name*
ETH Address:
Links to the shares(+likes) :
1- (dd/mm):
2- (dd/mm):
3- (dd/mm):
4- (dd/mm):
5- (dd/mm):
Link to your posts:
1- (dd/mm):
2- (dd/mm):
3- (dd/mm):

We never want to miss opportunities. So, if you can you think of means of promotion, which may have a significant impact on sale or marketing of Bitwin project, especially popular blog owners, crypto or gambling industry journalists, influencers and persons alike, you are more than welcome to contact us at

█████████████████ ★   BITWIN   ★   Epic BTC Casino and Sportsbook - soon on blockchain!  ★  ███████████
██████████████  ❍ Whitepaper   ❍ Bounty    ❍ ANN Thread  ❍ Telegram   ❍ Social Media  ❍ ██████████████
███████████   ★  Pushing the boundaries of iGaming Innovation  ★   Join  Whitelist    ★   █████████████████
Copper Member
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December 27, 2018, 07:46:25 PM

Reserved Russian Translation


Whitepaper - Website - ANN Thread - Bounty Thread

Translation Language: Russian
Telegram: @cryptotimex
Native language: Russian
Bitcointalk username: ICO2019
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2489565
ERC-20 wallet address: 0xc971311f19f606d80bdf8f03943b4d7c3d51e493
Full Member
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Activity: 686
Merit: 100

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December 27, 2018, 08:11:55 PM

HI, Sr. I'd like to apply for the Translation Campaign for Portuguese language.

1. Nickname: belechau
2. Profile Link:;u=1083578
3. Language: Portuguese - Native from Brasil
4. Telegram: @carlosfilhorbel
5. Email:
6. ETH address: 0x0a7C759c68dF05d622d8969a564B002787D9A778
7. My Experience with Threads, Docs, articles, Website and others:

Please PM me if I'm accepted.
Thank you and good luck
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Activity: 224
Merit: 0

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December 27, 2018, 09:25:17 PM
Last edit: December 27, 2018, 09:40:16 PM by TISKY

#Proof of Authentication
Campaign in which I participate: Twitter
Twitter URL:
Telegram: @Ti_sky
Eth address:  0x439E554007585b908A89Bc34bEe37e4b65A17e15
Ninja Sword
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Activity: 176
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December 27, 2018, 10:16:29 PM

Dev, I have a question! Well, which day of the week will you check the signature stakes?

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[centro] ╒═══════════════════ [url = https: //] DEXAGE [/ url] ══════════ ═════════╕
[url = https: //] ██ WP [/ url] [url = https: //] ████████ Ecossistema de comércio de níveis ████████ [/ url] [url = https: //] OP ██ [/ url]
Ur [url = https: //] FACEBOOK [/ url] [url = https: //] ◄ TWITTER ► [/ url] [url = https: //] TELEGRAMA [/ url] ══════════╛ [/ center]
●●● [url = https: //] XPETROLEUM | Construindo a Economia do Petróleo Confiante com a Tecnologia Blockchain [/ url] ●●●
[url = https: //] XPETROLEUM✔ Moeda Descentralizada ✔ O Maior Setor Mundial ✔ Segura e Segura [/ url]
● [url = https: / /]Website[/url] ● [url = https: // topic = 5096885] Tópico da ANN [/ url] ● [url = https: // WhitePaperXPetroleum_en.pdf] Whitepaper [/ url] ● [url = https: //] Telegrama [/ url] ●
[/ center]
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Activity: 46
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December 27, 2018, 11:53:31 PM

#Proof of Authentication
Campaign in which I participate: Telegram
Telegram: @Nggawang
Eth address:  0x8528517D6b87C879B0f97161D614C49F3781397E
Jr. Member
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Activity: 574
Merit: 1

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December 28, 2018, 12:27:51 AM

Reserve Vietnamese translation

- Native language - Vietnamese
- Porfolio:
- Bitcointalk username - zangleerb
- Bitcointalk profile:;u=1633411
- ERC-20 wallet address -  0xEDbf72f88E72133b10CdDded385D2b0f7b27f588

Email me: or PM me if you need my assistance. Thank you
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Activity: 420
Merit: 10

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December 28, 2018, 01:35:17 AM

Reserving FILIPINO Translation

Native Language: Filipino
Bitcointalk Username: rodney0404
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1941596
Telegram Username: @translationrodney0404
Email Address:
ETH Address: 0x122655A27FC88203d2A954bAE79a92939aDA19c5

If I'm approved, please notify me. Thanks!
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Activity: 1176
Merit: 12

Vietnamese Translator™

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December 28, 2018, 01:52:08 AM


Dear bounty manager, I would like to reserve Vietnamese translation to spread the world about this project to my Vietnamese community. I have experience with 100+ ICOs.
Here is my profile:

Bitcointalk profile: anobtc
I can translate: ANN, BOUNTY thread, WP and other materials
My previous works and contact:
My Eth address: 0xcec87c07a6946ec56e4efcc22adc040b4c4c4fbc

Please contact me via Bitcointalk or Telegram if I am accepted. Thank you!

Finding a local Moderator and Translator?
View My Portfolio and feel free to contact me if you need! 😉
Copper Member
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Activity: 104
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December 28, 2018, 06:20:43 AM

#Proof of Authentication
Btt username: nothehair2200
Campaign joined: Whitelist, youtube, twitter, linkedin
Sr. Member
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Activity: 1680
Merit: 278

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December 28, 2018, 09:53:18 AM

i canT find any REGISTER form for translation.. just report form.

Native Language: spanish
Previous works: My +170 ICOs Portfolio
Bitcointalk name: ChiNgadOr
BitcoinTalk Profile Link: ChiNgadOr

┌∩┐(◕_◕) ┌∩┐ Not your keys, not your coins. Binance (and any other CEX) can fuck off ┌∩┐(◕_◕) ┌∩┐
bartosz_bilinski (OP)
Copper Member
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Activity: 82
Merit: 11

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December 28, 2018, 10:40:37 AM

i canT find any REGISTER form for translation.. just report form.

Native Language: spanish
Previous works: My +170 ICOs Portfolio
Bitcointalk name: ChiNgadOr
BitcoinTalk Profile Link: ChiNgadOr

Application forms URL's for the given bounty are hyperlinked to the corresponding banners.

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December 28, 2018, 11:08:47 AM

URL profil Bitcointalk:;u=2505050
TG USERNAME: @cundrik
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Activity: 42
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December 28, 2018, 11:15:56 AM
Last edit: December 28, 2018, 11:43:43 AM by Ginandhia

# Bukti Otentikasi
Nama pengguna Bitcointalk: Ginandhia
URL profil Bitcointalk:;u=2505059
Nama pengguna telegram Anda: @ginandhia
Kampanye yang Anda Bergabung: Telegram
bartosz_bilinski (OP)
Copper Member
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Activity: 82
Merit: 11

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December 28, 2018, 11:42:48 AM
Last edit: January 02, 2019, 11:20:02 AM by bartosz_bilinski

Dev, I have a question! Well, which day of the week will you check the signature stakes?

If the week starts on 28.12, it ends 4.01. However, to make it easier to follow, the first week will last till 06.01.19, that is 10 days.
We reserve the right to check all the submits within two/three days.

█████████████████ ★   BITWIN   ★   Epic BTC Casino and Sportsbook - soon on blockchain!  ★  ███████████
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December 28, 2018, 12:05:36 PM

# Bukti Otentikasi 
Nama pengguna Bitcointalk: Gendhise
URL profil Bitcointalk:;u=2509078
Nama pengguna telegram Anda: @gend7
Kampanye yang Anda Bergabung: Telegram
bartosz_bilinski (OP)
Copper Member
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Activity: 82
Merit: 11

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December 28, 2018, 12:25:49 PM
Last edit: December 28, 2018, 12:46:41 PM by bartosz_bilinski

#Proof of Authentication
Campaign in which I participate: Telegram
Telegram: @Nggawang
Eth address:  0x8528517D6b87C879B0f97161D614C49F3781397E

Please, remember that we have 2 campaigns dedicated to Telegram - Avatar and Channel. Let us know in the forms, which one you want to take part in.

█████████████████ ★   BITWIN   ★   Epic BTC Casino and Sportsbook - soon on blockchain!  ★  ███████████
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December 28, 2018, 12:39:14 PM

good project i hope ico success
bartosz_bilinski (OP)
Copper Member
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Activity: 82
Merit: 11

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December 28, 2018, 12:55:36 PM

good project i hope ico success

Thanks, it means a lot to us. Will you participate in our bounty campaign?

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