You should also state how much can you go up to (can you buy orders of a 1000€ or just up to a 100?) And if you take escrow or not.
Thanks for your reply. At the moment I can do Orders from about 300€ up to 800€. But I dont have unlimit vouchers, so please write me a Message with your checkout price and I will tell you if its possible.
I have no problem with using the escrow service!
How will you prove that the gift cards themselves were not carded?
Thats a good question... And i have to say, I do not know how to proof this to you, maybe I could make a screenshot of my account Balance and the date of redem. I think that carded gift cards will be blocked very fast, so if the redem date is some days in past, it should be safe.
Do you have a better Idea?