Hello Bitcoin Community,
a long time ago there was a feature called ip transactions.
It worked like this:
1. You enter the IP-address of a recipient
2. A node which used this IP created a new address and informed the sending node about this address.
It has been removed in version v0.8 due to a lack of security.
The main key parts because it was removed were that it was very insecure because of Man-in-the-Middle attacks.
I thought that it would be really cool if you could send Bitcoins to
The secure way would go through SSL.
For example:
If you enter an IP-Address/Domain it would send a SSL/TLS request to the IP-Address (I will call it server by now).
The server responds with a new generated address.
During this process SSL/TLS will be used to verify authenticity.
After the user clicked send, a message box will popup with the public key of the certificate. The user then can verify if this public key truly belongs to the owner of the IP-Address (For example if the owner provides the ssl pubkey on his website) and then confirms the transaction.
Additionally this can also be implemented in the bitcoin uri scheme:
bitcoin:donate.example.com?amount=1&sslpubkey=9A:62:5E:8B:53:D9:B0:74:10:FC:D5:6B:0F:D5:9B:3B:D9:71:4A:82please execuse me if this URL is malformed, was too lazy to do url encoding.
Then the SSL fingerprint would be verified automatically.
Would be nice for donation receivers who want a new address for every transaction I will go onto this later.
Another big advantage is that every time someone wants to send Bitcoins to an IP-Address a new Bitcoin address is being generated.
This is really nice for people who want to use a new address for every incoming transaction.
I know it is also possible with today's methods but this would be much easier.
I see lots of sites using static Bitcoin addresses for donations. This is good for transparency but not as good as a new address when it comes to privacy.
Also very nice for only shops who want to protect their customers.
What do you think about my idea?