elGuilleAR (OP)
January 10, 2019, 02:49:28 AM Last edit: March 15, 2019, 06:38:07 PM by elGuilleAR |
ANN Locales: SOON
elGuilleAR (OP)
January 10, 2019, 08:21:19 PM |
⚠️DEAR COMMUNITY⚠️ We want to remind you that our website is being updated. We began to work on the website (https://scavo.farm) last december 23th. Front- and back-end are the maini work to be done, thus, we've turned our website into maintance mode. You'll see an "Under Construction" until the site goes online again. There you'll be able to redeem your tokens and more options too 😉.
Join our social network to stay tuned and participate. The SCAVO Team
elGuilleAR (OP)
January 11, 2019, 06:26:07 PM |
SCAVO BURN EVENTA STEP FORWARD IN BENEFIT OF THE TOKEN HOLDERSOVERVIEWLast october 31st, SCAVO’s ICO has ended. Since then, we began the procedures for validating the FIAT transactions, such as bank transfer, creditcard and local POS (point of sale). It took more time than estimated due some changes in the procedures, however, after 2 long months we are ending this and finally we will dedicate fulltime to build the mining farm. As we currently have a clearer picture of the availability of all sales made via FIAT, which were a lot, we decided to move forward with the burning of tokens, while we complete this stage to fullfill the IN DEPTH STAT REPORT FOR THE SCAVO CROWDSALE EVENT published last November 5th. BURN EVENT80% OF TOTAL TOKENS WERE BURNT!The total amount of token, at any time, is 100,000,000 SCAVO (100M), and according to our general proposal based on the whitepaper, each and every unsold token, as well as those not allocated to anyone, shall be burnt!. By the moment we’ve published the “IN DEPTH STATS REPORT….”, the total amount of token to be allocated were 17,800,000 SCAVO (17,8M). Having said also there were pending sales at that time to be proccessed, we recalculated the amoun shall not be no more than 20,000,000 SCAVO (20M), therfore, we’ve decided to proceed with the burning event. Here you will find the Smart Contract transactions where token are burnt.https://etherscan.io/tx/0xcaa5eed355ffedaf34582dc734214e16a942b5dcac87c9e3aea321f069c58739 https://etherscan.io/tx/0xe759fac3474cef1dca3e95b6d7795f4f26470b6aa6231ff87bd49d4289c9abc4 https://etherscan.io/tx/0x222dc249ac98b95ca0581ab7ad1518386e662c87ed4fac2d4f080a267d7742b1 https://etherscan.io/tx/0xbc5788ac4eea934107be4c72c2b176e13de79fb8e404cdf578991f4f1e5a2a34 CURRENT TOKEN SUPPLYAfter the burn event, we’ve reduced the amount of token supply from 100,000,000 SCAVO to a maximum of 20,000,000 SCAVO.CIRCULATING SUPPLYFrom that 20,000,000 SCAVO in total there are only 6,000,000 SCAVO in circulating among token holders. The remaining 14,000,000 SCAVO are not distributed or are locked up.~SCAVO TEAM
Full Member
Activity: 630
Merit: 100
"Venture into Sports"
January 17, 2019, 08:00:29 AM |
Hello Scavo team,
Congratulations for succeeding in ICO and going forward with the plans. I don't remember a detailed explanation regarding the passive income for SCAVO holders in the whitepaper other than the calculator you had on site, am I wrong?
Kind regards,
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
January 19, 2019, 06:19:47 PM |
Hello meejay: First of all, thank you!. As is established in the Whitepaper, each token holder is entitled to receive profits from mining operations as well as third party operations in a relation to what he/she hold compared to circulating tokens. By default, It is estipulated to send them in a weekly basis, in ETHER, directly on the wallet (see *1). For those holders that have a small amount of tokens, they will receive the utilities once he/she reaches the mininmum expected in relation to fees ( see *1). Basically: TAETS = EBMO + EBTPO - OPEX TASTE = TAETS * PSTH PSTH = ATH * 100 / NTC TAETS = Total Amount Earned To Share in BTC and/or ETH. EBMO = Earned By Minig Operations EBTPO = Earned By Third Party Operations OPEX = OPerating EXpenses TASTE: Total Amount to be Sent To Each token holder in ETHPSTH = Percentage of Share of Token Holder ATH = Amount of Token you Hold NTC = Number of Tokens in Circulation Let's exemplify:NTH = 5,000,000 SCAVO ATH = 500,000 SCAVO It means your POSTH = 500,000 * 100 / 5,000,000 = 10% Now, our: OBMO = 10 BTC EBTPO = 2 BTC OPEX = 0.5 BTC So, our: TAETS = 10 BTC + 2 BTC - 0.5 BTC = 11.5 BTC finally, your TASTE = 11.5 BTC * 10% = 1.15 BTC
Indeed, we built a calculator to arrange an expected/estimated return during the course of the token sale on our website. Parameters was setted based on current market and expectations at that time. Mining calculator will be available once new website (scavo.farm) becomes online. At first, it will calculate an estimate based on preload parameters according to datacenter estimations. Once mining farm is finally online, it will show you a realtime and accurate profits.
I hope I clarified your concern. If you have any further questions, please let us know. Hello Scavo team,
Congratulations for succeeding in ICO and going forward with the plans. I don't remember a detailed explanation regarding the passive income for SCAVO holders in the whitepaper other than the calculator you had on site, am I wrong?
Kind regards,
elGuilleAR (OP)
January 27, 2019, 04:44:08 AM |
🇺🇸 Dear community: As we have committed ourselves yesterday, we want to share with you the NEW DISTRIBUTION AND FINANCING MODEL. It is entirely designed to provide equal opportunity to everyone who wants to participate and rewards those investors who decide to stay with SCAVO. In addition, it takes into consideration the asymmetric results that occurred during the different campaigns that we have carried forward, be these bounties, airdrops or contest. We ask you to please take a few minutes to read carefully. 👉 https://medium.com/@SCAVOTech/new-distribution-and-financing-model-2d4bb9bd4bb3We await your feedback. ~ SCAVO TEAM
Mt. Dempo
Jr. Member
Activity: 294
Merit: 1
January 27, 2019, 06:14:59 AM |
has the mining farm building been completed? when can scavo start mining? will the scavo token holder get a passive income?
🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵 Agareum 🔵 Multiplayer gaming platform, gamified version of an airdrop 🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵 https://agareum.com
elGuilleAR (OP)
January 28, 2019, 07:18:51 PM |
According to what was previously reported, next February 1st at 00:00:00 (GMT-03) we will take a snapshot of the current distribution and based on this we will begin the automated process of adaptation to the new distribution and financing model. Therefore, we ask everyone to send their tokens to their personal wallets or they can contact our support to advance the adjustment process. Currently SCAVO is listed in Graviex, WeiDex and FatBTC. In the case of FatBTC users, we are evaluating what steps to take and we will be communicating briefly.
~ SCAVO Team
elGuilleAR (OP)
January 28, 2019, 07:21:22 PM |
🇺🇸 DEAR COMMUNITY TOKENS IN WeiDex EXCHANGE - IMPORTANT STEP TO CARRY OUT Since we are going to migrate to a new distribution model of our token without changing our smart contrat, it is mandatory to widthdraw your token to your wallet before 01-31-2019. We can't identify your tokens if they are in WeiDex smart contract.
elGuilleAR (OP)
January 31, 2019, 12:17:12 PM |
👋 Hello everyone:
We remind you the following: Our token (SCAVO) will change its distribution model without upgrading smart contract address. To do so, we need you to contact us (join our telegram group if you are not yet) but first you need to follow some steps.
Once it is done you will be able to trade the SCAVO Token on WeiDex or Graviex again without any issue.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
February 01, 2019, 02:52:32 PM |
what tokens SCAVO on the stock exchange FATBTC no longer valid???
elGuilleAR (OP)
February 03, 2019, 08:24:30 PM |
Hello. Yes, of course they are valid, also they will be upgraded to new token distribution soon. what tokens SCAVO on the stock exchange FATBTC no longer valid???
elGuilleAR (OP)
February 03, 2019, 08:26:47 PM |
👋Hello!! 🙏 We are focusing on ending the website, that will be online in few days, also testing dashboard. 🙏🙏 Data center will finished by february 10. 🙏🙏🙏 Testing and integration will begin right after data center become online with miners we have in stock. It will take no less than a week to cover soma bugs etc, according to our developers We are still waiting for confirmation for those investors that already hasn't replied yet to get an accuarete numbers of miner we will have in production. has the mining farm building been completed? when can scavo start mining? will the scavo token holder get a passive income?
elGuilleAR (OP)
February 07, 2019, 05:11:30 PM |
📅 Today we have finished sending all requested swap tokens.
✍️ If you have not yet received the tokens, please contact us via support@scavo.technology or @SCAVOSupport.
~ SCAVO Team