I'm currently connected to the following:
Server: dedi.jochen-hoenicke.de
Port: 50002
I'd also try: electrum.hsmiths.com
NOTE: You can't click on the servers shown on the "Overview" tab. So, in the Network dialog, make sure you click the "Server" tab at the top... and "uncheck" the 'Select server automatically' box... then you should be able to enter what you want in the box (or double click the servers in the list below).
After selecting the new server, if you don't see the "green" dot... try closing down Electrum and restarting.
As for recovering the coins, it is complicated by the fact that you're trying to recover from what is effectively a "multisig" address. You can't just import a private key (or seed) into another wallet and away you go

You'd probably need to manually create and sign the multisig transaction... not impossible, but not exactly a "couple of clicks" type activity either