Yenten is a cryptocurrency of the cpu, by the cpu, for the cpu.
No ASIC mineable. No ICO. No premine.
Website - we give each visitor
YespowerR16 (
yespower-1.0,N=4096,r=16), GPU is slower than CPU
(changed from YescryptR16 on and after 30 March 2019)Block time: 2 minutes
Max Block size:
2M Block reward of block #1: 50 YTN
Max Supply: 80,000,000 YTN
SubsidyHalvingInterval: 800,000 blocks
Difficulty re-target: every block (DarkGravityWave
none P2P Port: 9981
RPC Port: 9982
Download binary(Win64, Mac, Linux64)
latest:v5.0.0 GUI version includedIf your wallet stops(out of memory, etc.) syncing block data after header syncing, try block data below.
standard: with txindex: to mineFor Windows:
Ubuntu user is not beginner, no need to explain.
Exchange (updated on Jan. 5, 2025)
XeggeXYTN/USDT on XeggeXYTN/DOGE on XeggeXCratexYTN/BTC on CratexBitoreum ExchangeYTN/USDT on Bitoreum ExchangeYTN/BTRM on Bitoreum ExchangeBlock Explorer (Updates have been stopped at block height #1804822)
and more useful info:
Yenten Data Analysys ReportsPool (updated on Jan. 6, 2025)
aikapool.comcminer.orgcpu-pool.comcrimson-pool.comcustomspeed.nlevepool.pwhulkhash.ukkriptokyng.comleywapool.commining-dutch.nlvandermine.comrplant.xyzyenten-pool.infozergpool.comzpool.caNotice to pool administrators planning to set up a YTN mining pool with nomp:
Pull request(now merged) for FaucetYenten FaucetYenten Web MinerWeb Miner Yespowerr16Node list list by Yenten Data Analysys ReportsMarket Capitalizationspowered by coincodex.compowered by coingecko.compowered by coinlore.compowered by coinmarketcap.compowered by worldcoinindex.comYenten development roadmap (2020 - 2022)2020 - 2021:- 1 YTN = 1 Yen - mission completed
- 1 YTN = 1 cent - mission completed
- Official wallet v4.x.x (Win-x64, Win-x86, MacOS, Linux) - mission completed
- GUI miner - mission completed
- >10 pools - mission completed
- >5 exchanges - mission completed
- best community - mission completed
2021 - 2022:- 1 YTN = 1 USD
- Yenten listings at top-50 exchanges
- mobile wallets
- hardware wallets
- YentenOS - mine Yenten at RasPis and miniPCs easily!
Donate address for developers teamYTN: YXandTfYjFC7fuR8h9aRCo5ZwAz4tvbvDL
LTC: LKsNumb4z6jKjMkeNTfjskSgsLgCyvRUkM
BCH: 112h82XJSemZSonWh7GnSvNJZ9oJab77Rx
Doge: DQJQhP5FjcoMMfk5CcfVWKaoqme8quch8A
Forum in Russian Arabic translated post (on Feb. 15, 2019) is
hereYenten Coin is a cryptocoin only for processors.
Our coin has a very large and sociable community. The main team members are located in Japan, America and Russia.
The coin does not have a premine, the coins are equally apportioned among all mining participants. Some time ago Yenten Coin almost died, but it was able to resurrect as a phoenix and is now actively developing.
The purpose of the coin is to give everyone the opportunity to enter the cryptoworld, everyone who has an average processor in a computer can mine it. It is very similar to Doge Coin, but only for processors (we are against mining on video cards - this gives mining concentration in one hand), we are for decentralization.
What can you do to develop a coin?To tell about the coin everyone and everywhere, to educate, to help tune miners and wallets. The potential audience of the coin is people who play online games on home computers and all who are interested in new technologies.
What we work on: 1. A new, improved design of the official website (
2. A convenient installer for the official "cold" wallet with step-by-step hints and instructions built-in. These instructions will include both text and visual hints useful for novices who decided to use our utility for fast downloading of the cold wallet based on the full Yenten blockchain.
3. Adding Yenten to as many exchanges as possible.
4. Creation of database with "how-to-use" instructions for the official wallet, the exchanges, miners etc at the partner's website (
5. Banner advertisement on the ( - Yenten coin as easy-for-use, "a coin for everyone".
6. Final release of the official GUI-miner with the menu and embedded links to a coin resources.
7. Bounty program.
8. Creation and maintenance of topics about Yenten on cryptocurrency forums.
9. Positioning of Yenten as a "cryptocoin for everyone": everyone will be able to get it even with a typical home computer - it is easy and simple.
10. Advertisement of Yenten at the game forums, youth engagement.
Our official motto: "Yenten - a cryptocoin for CPU-mining only; fast transactions, easy-in-use and safe official wallet. We are like Dogecoin, but CPU-only! And - contrary to Dogecoin - Yenten is not an inflationist, Yenten is deflationist due to its limited emission of 80 mln coins total: community-driven coins with limited emissions are simply doomed to growth of the price!"
In general, the work is in full swing - there are lots of ideas, the coin and algorithm are excellent.
Why don't we have a roadmap?We constantly monitor the market and technology, develop together with the world, we do not have a specific person who does something and then receives all the profit from the project. The project belongs to all of you, to the whole community, everyone is doing something. We are always open to new ideas, developments and implementations.
*Yenten Coin - is coin for CPU mining + for exchange between exchanges who are fond of CPU mining. No premine, no big coin holders. Fast transactions, fast and easy purse. We are like Dogecoin, but CPU-only! And - contrary to Dogecoin - Yenten is not an inflationist, Yenten is deflationist due to its limited emission of 80 mln coins total: community-driven coins with limited emissions are simply doomed to growth of the price!*
Yenten Coin is very similar to Doge Coin, but only for the CPU. And I think the main idea of the coin is to be a CPU and to find the algorithm in time in critical situations. The coin is for everyone, the coin is in every house - without a farce, so saying.
The coin is fully developed by the community - everyone can make their own changes and they will be included in the main branch by a general vote. There is no person responsible for the project - there are no person interested in corruption, there is no one who is ready to make empty pumps and dumps ... the coin completely repeats the history of Bitcoin but the main feature of the coin is that it is oriented towards ordinary users and is mined by the CPU(small, fast, but only for processors).