Here is an overview of the first evolutions summarized in the video, you will have the opportunity to customize your ID YEP COIN.
To accept or not the addition of banner advertising in order to obtain another source of income.
You can add all of your social network accounts and website.
You will have an icon to correspond for each of your accounts.
All this gathered in one and the one same page.
In Summary :
You can receive YEP COIN, directly from all Social Networks and Website.
You can receive money through your banner ads.
You can receive YEP COIN currency through Staking 20%
So... what are you waiting...
Allowing everyone to easily send and receive YEP currency through all the existing means of communication!
You can with YEP:
Buy products accepting the currency YEP, offered for sale by individuals through social networks and other communication support.
Receive YEP currency via social networks and other communication media
Send YEP currency to those who wish to receive it, publicly or anonymously
Coming soon to buy your favorite products online with YEP currency
What is the purpose of this project?
The first objective: to facilitate the payment through all the existing means of communication in a Simple, Fast and Secure way.
When you receive an advertisement for a product via social networks and other communication media.
If you have a YEP account, your future purchases will take less than 2 minutes!
By avoiding :
1. Online registration painful for each website.
2. Enter your credit card
3. Stored your bank details on a server.
The second goal: the answer lies in each of us, you have the choice to encourage a person you do not know to move forward.
By sending or not your YEP ... It's a choice that belongs to you!
In itself, this person before the existence of YEP could not receive anything from his publications, you too.
But with YEP, this person and yourself open the door to opportunities to receive a few things from anyone in the world who uses YEP!
Which has an evolutionary value and which with this value could improve:
His project and yours.
His daily life and yours.
His health and yours.
His family and yours.
His friends and yours.
Maybe you save yourself from a bad financial situation ...
The reasons and possibilities are endless!
Before YEP, you could not receive anything from your publications, now you can receive YEPs that have evolutionary value.
How was this project born?
During a shocking observation in a forum of discussions of which I would not mention the name.
Several people spent their time sending a quantity of money to a robot that as a reward ...
Display a photo with the nickname of the person who sent the money, but also the amount sent!
From this observation, I simply said this:
This money, wasted for nothing, could have been used by someone else who might have needed it.
And who could have motivated him or saved him from a critical situation.
Starting from this observation, I had to do something and now, it's done!
Now it's up to you to make good use of it ...
You are the ones who will make a dream come true!
That your contribution can:
Solve a bad situation thanks to you!
That a project of a life can start!
That medical help can be financed!
There is no minimum threshold even below 0, you can send whatever you want.
You can also keep them in your wallet and get more thanks to the Staking
I wish and hope you make good use of it.