kamvreto (OP)
Activity: 1974
Merit: 1157
January 19, 2019, 12:15:17 PM |
Total Tokens for Bounty 3000 F2M Token Bounty Allocation : Translation : 300 F2M Video : 1000 F2M Content : 1000 F2M Signature : 700 F2M BECAUSE OF A LOT OF CHEATING THAT HAPPEN IN REGISTRATION [MULTIPLE ACCOUNT AND DUPLICATE REGISTRATION] EVERY PARTICIPANTS MUST FILL THE FORM WITH NUMBER ON THIS THREAD.  And post #Proof of Authentication in this thread. Example:#Proof of Authentication Bitcointalk username: Bitcointalk profile URL: Your telegram username: @xxx Which Campaign You Joined (?): General Rules: • Fomo2Moon is holding a 4-week Official Bounty Program from 19/1 – 15/2 • To participate in any bounty campaigns you must join the official Fomo2Moon Telegram group at: https://t.me/Fomo2Moo • Make sure you register in the google forms before you start to work. • ALL QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT US ONLY ON Telegram Group • To participate in the bounty program, you must be at least 18 years old. • Rewards for each campaign have max individual cap, no extra rewards will be processed beyonds the cap. • whoever recieve token will recieve 1 ticket to have oportunity winning thousands eth
Reward: Translate this DOCUMENT: https://hackmd.io/s/HJ5oJ1p1E 50 F2M Token/translate
Rules: 1. Participants must reserve translation language and get confirmation before starting localization 2. Google Translate and other online translators are not allowed 3. We need languange: - Chinese - Japanese - Vietnamese - Filipino (Reserved) - Russian (Reserved) 4. Post your portofolio in this thread
How to participate:
  Stakes: High: 3 stakes | Medium: 2 stakes | Low: 1 stake | Bad: 0 stake
Example: Tell about nature of the project, which problem it addresses, how to invest, about advantages for investors, for bounty hunter, bounty manager, startup and company.
Get more information about the Bounty program, you can in Telegram Bounty chat.
The amount of tokens is calculated, taking into account the number of subscribers, at the time of checking the publication, and fixed in an email with the result of the checked publication. When the number of subscribers changes, the number of accrued tokens is not revised.
Rules: 1. New Channel not allowed 2. Create the video with unique contents and upload to Youtube. 3. You need to have more than 200 subscribers on your Channel. 4. The length of the video must be longer than 3 minute 6. You should include link website, whitepaper, Ann thread, and official social media account and 7. Provide your bitcointalk username, bitcointalk profile link, Telegram username and your ETH address on description video.
How to participate:
  Stakes: Steemit: High: 3 stakes | Medium: 2 stakes | Low: 1 stake | Bad: 0 stake Blog/website: High: 3 stakes | Medium: 2 stakes | Low: 1 stake | Bad: 0 stake Owner site Token Sale listing/rating and publish about this project automatically get High stakes.
Example: Tell about nature of the project, which problem it addresses, how to invest, about advantages for investors, for bounty hunter, bounty manager, startup and company.
Get more information about the Bounty program, you can in Telegram Bounty chat.
The amount of tokens is calculated, taking into account the number of subscribers, at the time of checking the publication, and fixed in an email with the result of the checked publication. When the number of subscribers changes, the number of accrued tokens is not revised.
Rules: 1. New website not allowed 2. Article should be original, dont copy from other participant or ANN thread, whitepaper. 3. You need to have more than 200 followers on your website. 4. The publication needs to have more than 500 words. 5. Maximum 2 article per participant. 6. Your post should include link website, whitepaper, Ann thread, and official social media account and 7. Provide your bitcointalk username, bitcointalk profile link, telegram username and your ETH address at the end your article.
Website: https://fomo2moon.io/ Bitcointalk thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5096147.0 Bounty thread: Document : https://hackmd.io/s/HJ5oJ1p1E Discord: https://discord.gg/w3sfJ3b Telegram: https://t.me/Fomo2Moo
Bitcointalk username: (your username) Bitcointalk profile link: (your profile link) Telegram username: @...... ETH address: 0x***********************
How to participate:
  Stakes: Junior Member: 0,5 Members: 1 stake per week Full member: 2 stakes per week Senior member: 4 stakes per week Hero members: 6 stakes per week Legendary members: 8 stakes per week
Rules: 1. Only account with min rank Jr. Member-above can join this campaign 2. Minimum of 10 constructive posts per week. 3. If you do not reach 10 posts (we provide the weekly date above), you will not receive any stakes for this week. 4. Posts made in the following sections (and all their child boards) will not count as valid posts: Bounties, Off Topic, Archival, Politics, Marketplace / Marketplace (Altcoins), Beginners and Help and Scam Accusations / Reputation. 5. Unqualified posts will not count as valid. 6. Posts with less than 75 characters will not count as valid posts. 7. Every participant of the signature campaign must wear our avatar (For rank full member & above). 8. Participants with Red Trust (for any reason) will not be allowed to participate. How to participate:
Personal text: "Fomo2Moon: Blockchain Lottery for everyone to win!" AVATAR  Jr member : FOMO2MOON Is Blockchain Lottery for everyone to win! [center][size=12pt][font=montserrat][b]FOMO[size=18pt]2[/size]MOON Is Blockchain Lottery for everyone to win![/center] Member: FOMO2MOON Is Blockchain Lottery for everyone to win! Document ✪ Telegram ✪ Discord ✪ Bitcointalk
[center][size=12pt] [url=https://fomo2moon.io/][font=montserrat][b]FOMO[size=18pt]2[/size]MOON Is Blockchain Lottery for everyone to win![/url] [font=raleway][size=10pt][b][url=https://hackmd.io/s/HJ5oJ1p1E]Document[/url] ✪ [url=https://t.me/Fomo2Moo]Telegram[/url] ✪ [url=https://discord.gg/w3sfJ3b]Discord[/url] ✪ [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5096147.0]Bitcointalk [/url]
Full member : ▰▰▰▰▰ FOMO2MOON▰▰▰▰▰ ◈ Document ◈ Telegram ◈ ▰▰ Blockchain Lottery for everyone to win! ▰▰ ◈ Discord ◈ Bitcointalk ◈
[center][size=13pt][color=#FF1493]▰▰▰▰▰ [url= https://fomo2moon.io/][font=montserrat][color=#FF1493][b]FOMO[size=18pt]2[/size]MOON[/url]▰▰▰▰▰ [/size][font=raleway][size=10pt][color=#8A2BE2][b] ◈ [url=https://hackmd.io/s/HJ5oJ1p1E][color=#8B008B]Document[/url] ◈ [url=https://t.me/Fomo2Moo][color=#8B008B]Telegram[/url] ◈ [font=raleway][url= https://fomo2moon.io/][color=#C71585]▰▰ [b]Blockchain Lottery for everyone to win![/b] ▰▰[/url][/font] [color=#8A2BE2][b] ◈ [url=https://discord.gg/w3sfJ3b][color=#8B008B]Discord[/url] ◈ [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5096147.0][color=#8B008B]Bitcointalk [/url]◈ Sr member : [center][table][tr][/td][td][/td][td][center][url=https://fomo2moon.io/][font=MV Boli][size=30px][color=#FF1493][b]FOMO2MOON[/size][/font][/url] [/center] [/td][td][/td] [td][b][size=5px][color=black][color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█[/color][/size][/b][/td] [td][/td]
[td][center][url=https://fomo2moon.io/][font=lato][size=14px][color=#C71585] [b]Blockchain Lottery for everyone to win![/b][/size][/font][/url] [url=https://fomo2moon.io/][font=lato][size=16px][color=#800080][b]Anyone can earn money, only 0.2 USD can win 250,000 USD[/b][/color][/size][/font][/url][/center][/td] [td][/td] [td][b][size=5px][color=black][color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█[/color][/size][/b][/td][td][/td] [td][center][font=raleway][size=11px][color=#FF1493]▰▰▰▰[size=12px][color=#FF007F][b] SOCIAL MEDIA [/b][color=#FF1493]▰▰▰▰[/color] [/size][font=raleway][size=7pt][color=#8A2BE2][b] ◈ [url=https://hackmd.io/s/HJ5oJ1p1E][color=#8B008B]Document[/url] ◈ [url=https://t.me/Fomo2Moo][color=#8B008B]Telegram[/url] ◈ [color=#8A2BE2][b] ◈ [url=https://discord.gg/w3sfJ3b][color=#8B008B]Discord[/url] ◈ [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5096147.0][color=#8B008B]Bitcointalk [/url]◈[/td][/tr][/table][/center]
Hero/Legendary [center][table][tr][td][/td] [td][/td][td][center][url=https://fomo2moon.io/][font=MV Boli][size=30px][color=white][glow=#FF1493,255,20,147][b]FOMO2MOON[/size][/font][/url] [/center] [/td] [td][b][size=8px][color=black][color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█[/color][/size][/b][/td] [td][/td]
[td][center][url=https://fomo2moon.io/][font=lato][size=14px][color=white][glow=#C71585,199,21,133][b]Blockchain Lottery for everyone to win![/b][/size][/font][/url] [url=https://fomo2moon.io/][font=lato][size=18px][color=white][glow=#800080,128,0,128][color=transparent]....[/color][b]Anyone can earn money, only 0.2 USD can win 250,000 USD[/b][color=transparent]....[/color][/glow][/color][/size][/font][/url][/center][/td] [td][/td] [td][b][size=8px][color=black][color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█ [color=#800080]█[/color][/size][/b][/td][td][/td] [td][center][font=raleway][size=12px][color=white][glow=#FF1493,255,20,147][color=transparent]░░░░░[/color][b]SOCIAL MEDIA[/b][color=transparent]░░░░░[/color][/glow][/color] [font=raleway][font=raleway][size=9pt][color=#8A2BE2][b] ◈ [url=https://hackmd.io/s/HJ5oJ1p1E][color=#8B008B]Document[/url] ◈ [url=https://t.me/Fomo2Moo][color=#8B008B]Telegram[/url] ◈ [color=#8A2BE2][b] ◈ [url=https://discord.gg/w3sfJ3b][color=#8B008B]Discord[/url] ◈ [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5096147.0][color=#8B008B]Bitcointalk [/url]◈ [/td][/tr][/table][/center] ____________________________
TwOne_Team manages this bounty campaign and will ended until end Token Sale or when hardcap has been reached. Join Our Team2one Management Bounty Manager Telegram Group for another bounty campaign
Disclaimer The bounty manager is a facilitator and not the bounty - issuer. They will not be held liable in the event of a breach of contract by the bounty-issuer or failure to fulfill their obligation. Facilitation is NOT an automatic endorsement of product or service being offered, unless explicitly stated. We reserve the right to change the campaign at any moment, and reject people based on our judgement.
Sr. Member
Activity: 1554
Merit: 255
payMe - P2E
January 19, 2019, 12:16:22 PM |
Activity: 2814
Merit: 1900
Rollbit.com | #1 Solana Casino
January 19, 2019, 12:59:11 PM |
RESERVED INDONESIA TRANSLATORUsername: taufik123 Rank: Sr. Member Link Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=831523 Campaign: Translation ANN + Bounty + WhitePaper or ALL Telegram: @taufikrubikerz Translation Experience: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ze0pK1fKaZZkYQwDm7_NE6cBAiyL3Idu2AITm7hvRtQ/edit#gid=1427213496 Address: 0x470234E7E3e386f519BaCEBfe6ebfd239d0d6133
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sir affan
Activity: 60
Merit: 0
January 20, 2019, 11:54:02 AM |
selilet untu
Activity: 152
Merit: 0
January 20, 2019, 11:59:10 AM |
yai alot
Activity: 154
Merit: 0
January 20, 2019, 12:03:42 PM |

Activity: 1176
Merit: 12
Vietnamese Translator™ https://goo.gl/7inMji
January 22, 2019, 07:27:44 AM |
RESERVED VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION Dear bounty manager, I would like to reserve Vietnamese translation to spread the world about this project to my Vietnamese community. I have experience with 100+ ICOs. Here is my profile: Bitcointalk profile: anobtcI can translate: ANN, BOUNTY thread, WP and other materials My previous works and contact: https://goo.gl/7inMjiMy Eth address: 0xcec87c07a6946ec56e4efcc22adc040b4c4c4fbc Please contact me via Bitcointalk or Telegram if I am accepted. Thank you!
Finding a local Moderator and Translator? View My Portfolio and feel free to contact me if you need! 😉
I Like Bitcoin
Copper Member

Activity: 448
Merit: 14
January 22, 2019, 12:55:09 PM |
Dear Author You will be pleased to learn that Your project is listed on:THE LIST OF NEW BOUNTIESAs always, if you have any questions, please send them directly to me. Have a good day.
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
January 30, 2019, 03:11:47 AM |