You're likely being scammed from the information you've put up here. Which miners? Why are the miners responsible for your investments? Where did you find them? Why did you think sending money to a miner was a good idea? The linkedin account seems fake. Give us a point of origin to understand your problem please.
i dont know which miners. They dont have any official website. They are based in California as told by him. They only told the headquarters of mining :
Name- Blockchain mining network
Company registration number- B190078 duly registered under the laws of the sovereign state of Luxembourg.
Address- L-2340 Luxembourg, 1, rue Philippe II.
I have no idea who are these people. My first contact person was trader Jerry. As i have explained in my stoy, he raised his hands after few days and said he cannot trade furthur, and he sent my funds to the miners and gave me the watsap number of miner. Please read once again what i wrote above.