hii Is there any way to contact bitcoin support , same think i am search on google for contact bitcoin support i got a toll free number 18446310111, i talked them and they told me that there are no directly support for bitcoin
It's is unsafe and foolhardy to simply google up a random number and drop a call seeking assistance as regards your bitcoin,you could easily be defrauded.
I guess you are new and you hardly know how things are run,but this forum/community is enough "support" that you need, you can share any issue your having in here but make sure you're not giving out private and sensitive informations such as your private keys and passwords.
And once you share issues and questions you have,there are may members here to assist you,thats not to say there are no scammers in here,there are a whole lot of them,so you'll have to be careful who you take Informtiona from,its necessary you always go through trust feedback and never click on untrustworthy links