Good day!
We have launched Tarders Asset, now when trading on the platform paired with USD, WAVES, ETH, you get trading compensation in Ekd27 tokens!
Welcome to ICO Ekd27: new ICO, emission 1 000 000 000 000 000 000, blockchain Waves, 27 control points of sales, possibility of additional release!
Take part in the ICO become one of the first! Earn money with ICO Ekd27!
Website main post
QW -
Online wallet: Os: and buy token: (Ekd27)
Explorer ICO: ICO Ekd27: of the project, CEO: Amosov Alexey Sergeevich
alexeer@list.ru, community and my life: Amosova Anna Victorovna
quackyan@mail.ru and copywriters: Law firm Benefit, director Barmin Maksim,
labss@bk.ru, innovators, creators of the new - we are a team!
listing offers on exchanges and your projects can be sent here:
alexeer@list.ruThe main goal of Ekd27 is to create an eco-system of theorization based on the interaction of participants and their decision-making. Development of eco-system, maintenance and development of its participants.
The theoretical goal is the formation of the postulate of the theory of cryptocurrency, the training of this theory and its promotion.
Ekd27 is a token running on the Waves blockchain platform. It consists of 27 qualifications, is a new product. The innovative basis of the project is the management of its events and the General Informatization of events passing through the information cluster. Each project participant is a member of the information cluster. During the qualification confirms its role and takes part in the development of the eco system. This eco system is based on transparency for its participants and decentralization, each participant directly participates in its development after passing the qualification, by voting and approval of the postulates. GREED POSTULATES
QW Mining and exploration scriptaction:
BM – business mining. Search and mining of non-profitable coins (network complexity less than 1000K), further support of new projects.
BOMN – business coverage mastered. Installation of masternodes through providers in order to make a profit. Glass: 50% ROI below 200%, 50% ROI above 1000%.
QE Sociality:
Social events-sponsorship of new projects, charity (sponsorship of ICO projects related to the maintenance of flora and fauna of the planet, assistance to distressed countries as a result of disasters and emergencies)
QS Creation:
Theorizing the basic concepts of the crypto industry. Formation of the concept for training new participants in this theory. Capacity building for project participants and assistance in the creation of publications and exercises on the crypto world and its development.
Q4 2018
Token issue: 1000 000 000 000 000 000 Ekd27
The start of the qualification level 1 – selling tokens in the amount of 1 000 000 000 000 Ekd27 until 31.12.2018 g. 1Ekd27 = 0,00008 WAVES
Detail of participants
The start of the postulates
Communi ty-account creation and promotion I!
Q1 2019
The formation and launch of the bounty!
The start of the qualification level 2 – selling tokens in the amount of 1 000 000 000 000 Ekd27 to 15.02.2019 G. 1Ekd27 = 0,00016 WAVES
Detail of participants
The start of the postulates
The start of the qualification level 3 – selling tokens in the amount of 1 000 000 000 000 Ekd27 to 31.03.2019 G. 1Ekd27 = 0,00032 WAVES
Detail of participants
The start of the postulates
Q2 2019
Launch of the beta version of the information cluster Ekd27-info (control panel, office for ecosystem member)
The start of the qualification level 4 – selling tokens in the amount of 1 000 000 000 000 Ekd27 to 28.04.2019 G. 1Ekd27 = 0,0006 WAVES
Detail of participants (information cluster Ekd27-info)
The start of the postulates (information cluster Ekd27-info)
Q3 2019
The start of the qualification level 5 – selling tokens in the amount of 1 000 000 000 000 Ekd27 to 29.07.2019 G. 1Ekd27 = 0,0012 WAVES
Detail of participants (information cluster Ekd27-info)
The start of the postulates (information cluster Ekd27-info)
Promotion of QW, QE, QS series projects in the information cluster and the Internet
Q4 2019
The start of the qualification level 6 – selling tokens in the amount of 1 000 000 000 000 Ekd27 to 15.11.2019 G. 1Ekd27 = 0.002 WAVES
Detail of participants (information cluster Ekd27-info)
The start of the postulates (information cluster Ekd27-info)
Promotion of QW, QE, QS series projects in the information cluster and the Internet
2020 Start of qualifications level 6 to 9 the average price of a token Ekd 27=0.006 WAVES
2021 Start of qualifications level 10-16, the average price of a token Ekd 27=0.009 WAVES
2022 Start of qualifications level 17-21, the average price of a token Ekd 27=0.0012 WAVES
2023 Start of qualifications level 22-25 the average price of a token Ekd 27=0.0018 WAVES
2024 qualification Start level 26-26 average token price Ekd 27=0.003 WAVES
2025 qualification Start level 27-27 average token price Ekd 27=0.004 WAVES
2026 listing on exchanges: et al.
You can take part in the projects of the QW, QE, QS series and receive rewards in tokens, while the amount of the eco system reward and its participants approve themselves when approving postulates by voting: PASSIVE MINING TOKEN, TRADERS ASSET, CASHBACK EKD27 or open WHITE OPEN OFFICE! QW 1SUBAPOSTOL 3PAGW5yWUcCBvHiy3dr66g57JtNvyUyZghe
QUANTITY 15 000 000 000Ekd27
trader's asset
What is trader's asset?
This is a way to compensate for trading on exchanges for traders.
Why did we create this method?
Trader s asset created as part of the promotion token Ekd27 on the platform in the framework of the loyalty program and growth of daily turnover token Ekd27.
What do I get for this?
- In trade token Ekd27 against the USD, it may be selling or buying, we will pay you back a token Ekd27 the rate of $1=100Ekd27;
- In trade token Ekd27 paired with WAVES, it can be selling or buying, we will pay you back a token Ekd27 based 1WAVES=150Ekd27;
- In trade token Ekd27 paired with ETH, it can be selling or buying, we will pay you back a token Ekd27 based 1ETH=1000Ekd27;
Why don't you use other pairs with Ekd27 token?
The most active pair with high turnover on the platform it stimulates the turnover of the token and provide the yield investors PASSIVE MINING TOKEN.
How can I?
Only 4 steps:
1 - Register on the platform:
https://wavesplatform.com2 - Purchase Ekd27 tokens on this exchange or get them on a free hand, see the forum: - Create any turnover in pairs EKD27 / USD, EKD27/WAVES, EKD27 / ETH, it can be sale, purchase, or sale and purchase. Make a screenshot, create a link to the screenshot in the cloud or on your Twitter.
4 - Send 1Ekd27 (in the message to the transaction, specify this link to the screen!) a special purse 3PDarYb245YsNdDJyt2RktzAEr3av6wpzgr.
After 1-2 days you will receive compensation of trading on your wallet of the sender.
How can I verify a trade compensation transaction has been executed?
Just go to: many tokens are allocated for this payment method?
About 15 000 000 000Ekd27.
As other people know about this principle?
We will publish this information: