The Original guide and source was created by
asche in the German subforum. You can read that one
here All praises should go to him. This is a translation of that guide.
Here is a guide of how to follow the history of your trades on EtherDelta or ForkDelta. ForkDelta shows the last trades but with very little details and they are also lacking an Export function.
For this we can use Deltabalances.
Deltabalances :Deltabalances offers several handy functions.
- Analysis of your ERC20 balance (ETH & tokens)
- Analysis of your ERC20 balance on different DEXs (DDEX / IDEX / TokenStore / ED / FD)
- "Trade history": select which DEX you want to check the history for, the correct time frame and click on Retrieve History.
Deltabalances will retrieve all the trades from the blockchain, this process may take a bit. Don’t be surprised if it takes half an hour for trades that are several months old.
This is how you can follow the progress:
Loaded 110345/185360 blocks
Here is an example:
Export to Excel:Once the trade history has been loaded, it is possible to save it as a CSV file. Select the Default V2 (CSV) and click on the download logo.
Import to Excel
Tick on comma as a separator:
The available options are:
- Type: Maker/Taker
- Trade: Buy/Sell
- Token: The sold/bought token
- Amount: Amount of tokens
- Base Currency: What currency the token was sold/bought for
- Total: Total amount
- Block: The block in which the trade was saved
- Hash: Hash of the transaction
- Buyer: ERC20 from the buyer
- Seller: ERC20 from the seller
- Fee: The fees
- FeeToken: Fees unit
- Token Contract: Smart Contract from the token
- BaseCurrency Contract: Smart Contract of the Base Currency (0x000 ... for ETH)
- Exchange: Which DEX was used (DDEX / FD / ED / TokenStore / IDEX)
The Original guide and source was created by
asche in the German subforum. You can read that one
here All praises should go to him. This is a translation of that guide.