Bigger transaction costs or bigger costs on any way will keep costumers away, since costumers constantly search for the cheapest stuffs or for something different. Bitcoin can in fact have both but it still needs to mature.
as i said before the social drama queens meandered in
instead of everyone paying a 'average' fee
if someone wanted to respend funds every 10 minutes then each of their transactions should be 144 more than someones transaction who only spends once a day. (yes its possible)
the advantage being.. even for the social drama meander group. is that it incentivises the spammers to then use LN. (thus the social drama group can then celebrate they have actual customers to feed fee's from). meanwhile letting others remain using bitcoins network without being impacted by huge fee's
it also can b done by not having bloated features onchain. but going back to simple practical lean transactions. thus the byte per tx goes back down, which then allows more transaction count in.
it also can be done by removing the washy washy code of scale witness which has always been a stupid thing. thus allowing real utility of space instead of trying to hide/fudge the numbers
oh look. no mention of me saying block sizes need to grow by "tremendous volume". and yet these things will help adoption. and also transaction throughput beyond the 600k number thats been apparent since 2010