my opinion is the only 2 remaining mining pools are the the chain I am (actual block 131812)
This website reports, the chain on block 131812 is currently active and the good chain.
Chain on 192626 it says "Invalid block height"...
Below you can see'getchaintips' command response.
"height": 136905,
"hash": "000000002e6cfd1c5083f5505625508604d3c463fc41e62ad660e5c392899dec",
"difficulty": 1.39724537876042,
"chainwork": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000527800414650f2",
"branchlen": 29877,
"status": "headers-only"
"height": 131812,
"hash": "00000001991b44e778f0341976fb79ad85b123f7b3abd869fc4973c64c89b91c",
"difficulty": 0.1827849923020282,
"chainwork": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005257f883104e75",
"branchlen": 0, "status": "active"
"height": 129887,
"hash": "0000007f38722b54c28e290347235bce147f1c257440e3a83a307e0ef8b2caf1",
"difficulty": 0.005968248752710232,
"chainwork": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005257618826461c",
"branchlen": 1,
"status": "valid-fork"
I believe that the chain with "branchlen": 0 is the original chain that started on genesis block.
That matches the website... I might be wrong.